Before me and my wife were married, we knew for a fact we definitely wanted kids. Thats a blessing of course because i hear a lot these days that a lot of married couple don't want kids simply because less free time. Now, thats not of course totally true, you have all the free time in the world haha but we just choose to spend it with our little bundles of joy!
Being in the Navy is hard when you have a Newborn, and i dont even want to know how hard its going to be when i say goodbye to them when i head out on deployment...
Being able to fall asleep whenever i want is a thing of the past. thats why you deffinately have to take advantages of the naps your little one takes!
You know what they say about people in the military being able to fall asleep wherever they sit? well, thats totally true. the amount of places i have fallen asleep to try to catch up on a little bit of sleep is actually pretty impressive. On tables, in showers, small benches and of course sitting up. When you're tired, you can make it happen and with my cuddle bug after work im always tired!
My free time. my friends always come up and ask me what do i do when i go home? well i go home to my amazing wife and daughter and sitting down on the couch with them is the most fun i have! sure, going out and skiing and hiking would be fun, but nothing is more fun that smiling and laughing with your 2 month old because she just let out a solid 5 second fart!
Being a Dad is amazing. Tough, of course. but totally worth it. i cant wait to watch this little cuddle bug grow up to be such an amazing woman.
congratulation, she's so cute :)
hahah thanks man i really appreciate it!
Good luck! I am happy for you 😊
thanks man! hey she's a gem
I bet she is bro!