IntroduceMyself...Wife, Mom, Life!

in #introducemyself3 years ago (edited)

Hello, wonderful ones! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to this amazing community. My name is Shaunee and I'm married with 8 amazing children. I know right! I'm an only child and always said I would never have just one, well guess I accomplished!
8 kids...6 are at home, the range from ages 19-2 (6 boys, 2 girls)!
So never a dull moment...ever! The 6 at home are homeschooled and this is new for me despite my degree in education and 15+ years of experience as an educator. I have a junior and sophomore in high school, a seventh-grader, a 1st grader, a preschooler, and a 2-year-old.

Some may wonder what made me want to homeschool...especially this many kids...I must be crazy (jk lol). I also wanted to customize my kiddos learning just for their learning style so they can reach their max potential with minimal barriers to success. I prayed about it for several years. Eventually, God made a way, not the way I would have planned, but it happened.

A little over 6 years ago, my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Him sharing this news with me really didn't shake me because he had beat cancer 3 times before, but this time would be different. Everything started off excellent, he was beating doctors' expectations left and right for about 6-7 months. Then, things headed in a downward spiral relatively fast, and dad won his battle and was able to greet his parents in Heaven. Upon having to care for him during the final months, I had to resign from teaching unexpectedly. After dad's passing, we decided it would be best for me to stay home with our baby.

While staying home, my mother eventually came to live with us and her health began to decline because she just didn't know how to cope with losing her best friend of 40+ years. Living with us was the best option...keeping her engaged and around her grandkids kept her going with a better spirit. About 2 years later we welcomed another baby boy and 18 months after that...surprise... our final son was born. With all of the family dynamics, homeschooling suits our family well. From school to extracurricular activities, to age variation, to life in general I can't see it any other way.

I'm married to an amazing husband who is a first-generation trucker and we are loving the journey. It surely has had its impact on our family with him driving all across the country. Going from being home daily to maybe 3 times a month is surely an adjustment not only for me but especially for our kiddos. Truly has grown my appreciation for time spent with him and what impact he has on our kiddos. We understand our mission so I stay focused on that and our why. We are working on building our trucking logistics company to a phenomenal company that keeps our drivers and their families first.

I'm also an entrepreneur with a few different businesses to help others and build a legacy for our children. Besides the trucking logistics company, I have a tutoring company, currently became a notary and life insurance agent. I get asked all the time how I do it. I do it because I have 8 people watching me every day. I do it to help my grieving process. I do it to not let my mind become idle and caught up in the world. I do it to stay engaged. I do it because I love it. Oh! I forgot to mention I'm also the elementary coordinator for our homeschool co-op and teach middle school science and math at the co-op as well. Our co-op is a God-sent and I'm so grateful for our FTK co-op family. You will get plenty of posts about co-op...I'm!!!

I can't wait to get more involved with this awesome community.
I would like to send a big shout-out to @crosheille for introducing me to this platform and taking the time to help me get set up and going and answer my random questions late at night. Thanks sis!

Well...that's it for now I look forward to creating new relationships with this phenomenal community.


Welcome to Hive!

So sorry to read about your dad. Pancreatic is one of the hardest cancers to fight off. We're going through a similar situation currently with my mother in law. She too fought cancer off 3 times, but now it's in her bones, which is terminal, apparently. Sadly she on the other side of the world to us, so the full burden of her care is falling to my sister in law. We Skype weekly.

Excited to welcome another homeschooler! I thought @crosheille had a lot of children, but you have her beat. 🤣 Two was enough for me, especially with the attention my eldest demanded. I loved every moment of our homeschooling journey.

Thank you! It was a challenging journey in our lives but am thankful to have been there. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother in law. Enjoy those Skypes and live on the current moment. Homeschooling has been a joy and definitely a journey…lol!

Surprisingly yes, there is actually someone that has more kids than me! 🤣 That's very rare lol!

It is nice to have another homeschooling family here!

God made a way, not the way I would have planned, but it happened.

Aaannnnnd, you're now one of my new favorite people on hive. 💚 Not that that matters a lot to anyone but me, I'm about as insignificant as they come around here 🤣

Our family is constructed similarly it seems! My amazing wife stays home and teaches our three kiddos, I go off to work a job or three. I build trucks though, I don't drive them.

Can't wait for the posts about your co-op! Ours is one of my favorite things in life. Most of our church family is active in the school co-op, so we're with the same folks a lot. In a good way. A culture set apart, somewhat.

God bless, hope to hear more soon!

Well thanks! Wow! You build trucks...that's impressive! I'll have to tell my husband. Yes I just love our co-op and being a part of it. How great that your church is a part of it, that's a blessing too! I look forward to connecting with you!

I get asked all the time how I do it. I do it because I have 8 people watching me every day. I do it to help my grieving process. I do it to not let my mind become idle and caught up in the world. I do it to stay engaged. I do it because I love it.

There is a saying - if the mother is perfect, then kids will always succeed in life. You are a classic example of a great mother.

Thank you so much for your kind of words. I definitely strive to do what's right and when I fall short humble myself to recognize and fix it. Took me a while to get there and drop the pride. But... children can be your greatest influence for positive change😊

Welcome to Hive Shaunee, what a busy household, I'm sure there's always so much fun going on at home. With your new life on Hive maybe you'll need to change name to hivewifemomlife soon !!

I love that! We shall see!

Hello @wifemomlife! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself - congratulations and welcome! And wow - what an amazing story (and family) you have - I'm sure you're going to find many like minds to connect with in our community.

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out - Hive Communities. Based on what you've written, I think you'll find these interesting to start off with -

Motherhood Community

Home Edders

Also, as Hive can sometimes be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide is a growing repository of useful and easy to understand posts about how the Hive ecosystem works.

Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.

I'm sure @crosheille will continue to help you as you begin your Hive journey (because she's awesome like that!), but if you have any questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!

Thanks so much! I appreciate the advice and guidance @traciyork! It is appreciated. I look forward to growing and learning in this community. And yes @crosheille is amazing and I'm beyond blessed to have her and her amazing family to call friends. I'll be sure to reach out as needed!

Hello there! It's wonderful to have you here, thanks to @crosheille for introducing you to this place, I hope you find your marks rather quick, let us know if we can help!

A warm welcome to HIVE, Shaunee!💓🤗

Yours was an enjoyable post to read with much background information. I am sure you will fit in and have many fun stories to share about your eight amazing children and family! @wifemomlife

Upvoted and manually curated!💯

Wow - that’s quite the intro!!

You’ll fit right in here, in the home ed world of Hive especially! You’ve got a lot of experience and wisdom to share by the sounds of it.

I'm hoping so! Hoping to learn from others. And to encourage others as well.

Welcome to hive blockchain @wifemomlife, a great introductory post you put up.

I do it because I have 8 people watching me every day. I do it to help my grieving process. I do it to not let my mind become idle and caught up in the world. I do it to stay engaged. I do it because I love it.

Awe, you are just amazing, Shaunee, just amazing!

Welcome to hive! I have to tell ya, your story is awesome and you are such an inspiration! One of my dearest friends is a homeschooling mom of 6 boys who also wrote, published, and runs her own curriculum company (her husband was a truck driver for years too), so your story really resonates with me. To be pulled in countless directions yet still retain your identity and optimism is a special thing indeed!

And on top of it all you cared for your parents! I'm sorry for the toll that must have taken on you and your family, and I hope that all your endeavors are beyond fruitful, so happy to have you here in Hive-land😊

Thank you so much. While muddling the storm, I didn’t see things as clear. I was just trying to mentally and emotionally survive! And put my best mommy face on daily. Looking back, it truly was a dark time however it definitely molded me for the better. A lot of spiritual and emotional growth took place.

Looking for forward to what Hive will teach me😊

You are an inspiration! Definitely following you and your homeschooling journey to get some tips. Welcome to Hive! ♥️

Very admirable.

Thank you😊

😃You’re welcome. Your post has encouraged me. You’re a great mom. I have 2 kids and it’s sometimes challenging dealing with the different personalities. I tried homeschooling just for a bit. Let’s just say…I had to try another option. Lol!
I love that you are motivated despite the challenges you face. Your kids are learning a lot from that. Kudos.

If anyone tells you homeschooling will be from them lol! I started with just homeschooling 2 of my kiddos and quickly searched for a co-op. And that is my saving grace to homeschooling 6 now! Thank you... stay encouraged there is not an instruction manual no matter how many babies you have because every last one is different. Just stay focused on being your best you and building a strong relationship with each child individually and as a family. Be blessed😊

You're right. Thanks. Blessings to you and your family. 😃

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Welcome to Hive! What an intro, what a family, what a woman, are like superwoman! Ok after reading your intro I am not feeling tired with just two kids anymore 😂
Can't wait to read your posts, I am sure I will have what to learn.

Lol thank you but some days are not so great. And 2 kiddos is still hard work…shoot 1 kid is. I’m am only child and according to my parents I was equivalent to 5 lol. I’m glad you enjoyed and look forward to growing in this community🥰

You are pretty amazing! Nice to meet you here. I always wonder what it might have been like to be homeschooled. It wasn't really a thing when I was growing up.

Thank you! It's a different way of life but love the flexibility and the amount of creativity we have within education.

You're welcome! It's great that you can choose when and how your children learn about what is going on in the world as well. Have a wonderful Sunday!😀

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-- @lisamgentile1961

@wifemomlife! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

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-- @lisamgentile1961

Hello and welcome to Hive, Shaunee! What a wonderful intro. I am already struggling homeschooling my three kids. And here you are with six! I will need some extra inspiration. Hehe.

Looking forward to more of your blogs!

Thanks so much. It is a struggle no matter how many kids. Co-op is my saving grace.

Yay! You’ve done it sis! You’ve completed your first step with getting involved and acquainted with Hive.

This is such a beautiful introduction of you and your family. You continue to inspire me with your strength and motivation. Keep it up! I am so glad we are doing homeschool life together now after all these years growing up in the same neighborhood. It’s amazing how God works.

I am excited for your journey here and just know you can call and text about any questions you may have…I got you! ❤️

Welcome to Hive sweet friend ~

Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Welcome wifemomlife!
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Welcome to the Hive platform and hopefully to the homeedders community! I would love to read and learn from your knowledge as an educator and also your home education experience with your children! I bet it's not easy right?

I've read all of your story and what I can and wanna say is that you are a winner! You are a model, you are the best mom in the world for your kids! They are so lucky to have you and to be so strong for them, for you and your family!

God bless you all and I can't wait for you to share with us some tips on how you manage to homeschool your different aged kids! I only have a son of 3 (for now) and I've always thought that homeschooling is what fits with our family style so yeah...I really admire you and your efforts in your homeschooling journey!

Greetings from Romania.

Thanks a million, @missdeli! I appreciate the compliment. It's not always easy, but it is worth it! I love the opportunity for growth and memories for my family. I do my best to remind myself why I'm doing this and it's because I won't set limits on my kids capabilities regardless of age/grade. We keep growing and learning daily. If it's an off day for a kiddo or 2 we will reconfigure, we don't just push through because of a schedule. The goal is consistent growth, some days my little guy's reading lesson isn't until 7 pm instead of 10 am because on that day he was ready at 10 am. I want to build a love of learning and interest, especially for my little guys.

For my high schoolers, they do have a "schedule", however, we created it together. Our goal is 3 day weekends if all work is done. Also being that we attend a co-op it helps keep me a lot more organized( I need! It also lightens my teaching load, so I'm truly grateful for that!

You mentioned that thing I like the most in homeschooling: flexibility. Our family isn't the type of making things the same way, at the same time. Our lifestyle isn't to depend on things, people or places. Maybe it sounds hilarious or strange, but I can't explain this concept in just a few sentences:) but I guess you can make an idea already. This is one of the reasons we will choose home schooling, besides the benefits that home education offers. That's the first :)

Thanks for you wide reply! I really appreciate it. :) Have a great day!

I get it whole heartedly! With 6 different personalities and mindsets we can’t do things like the majority. We are traditionally different and get a lot of odd looks from our family and friends lol. We love them just the same. Best wishes in your homeschool adventure…count every moment a memory of joy🥰

Yeah, sounds soo soo realistic! lol :)) 🥰🥰

I could,nt stop reading thru,you re an amazing mom,how do u balanced personal life, family,career and the!!!....and quite a handful of kids you've got .... I mean you really really defiled the odd of being the only child ...thumbs up dear and I guess the name @wifemomlife

And @crosheille an incredible person.....this is absolutely the best community...and you re in the right place also coupled with your experience in homeschooling and the educational system you will be handy here...

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Stay safe....
Stay positive...

8 children? Wow. You are a super mum. I know it isn't easy catering for them all. But I know you are strong. Welcome to hive. I look forward to seeing more of your contents

Thanks so much!