Followed mate. If the interests we share can connect with each other, we ultimately become one big brain (as long as the information is true). If your interested in TA i will be constantly posting TA on Crypto's. not only the ones im trading but those requested from followers will also be covered. These posts will become more and more consistent but I WILL NOT post crap. If nothing is going on in the markets I wont post. Forex for me was like grade school. You learn the basics but something bigger was waiting and i could feel that. Forex markets are noisy, and believe it or not quite heavily manipulated. Stocks and crypto's are too -as you can read in my article about manipulation- but with stocks and Crypto's the signals for such moves are much more prominent and easier to read.
Theres quite a bit I can show you about the strategies we use to enter stocks and crypto trades and i will be posting these strategies ASAP for you all to read! I keep seeing really intensive and frankly USELESS analysis online that is so confusing, and the end result of such strategies is failure and frustration. They look good and pretty and colourful on the charts but that doesnt make them winners! Unfortunately thats what beginners eyes are drawn to (mine included in the beginning) colourful jazzy charts with crazy lines and arrows everywhere.
In reality trading any financial market has to be as stress regulated as possible and that starts with simplifying your entry and exit, and also your daily technical analysis. If you have to plot 5 mathematically correct points on a chart to get a pattern that wins 60%-70% of the time your destroying your chances of making money from the get-go. and thats if you get them all the points right :P
SIMPLIFY is the only route and thats what ive been working on for the past years in trading. Simple analysis, simple entry, simple exit, simple profit, simple life :)
As for Forex, I have stepped away from it permanently but the knowledge remains!
Thanks for your message, im following and i will check out some of your material. I hope my future articles can help you ease into the world of simplified TA and trading as a whole :)