Today was a great day! My first post thanks steemit!

Until that long-awaited email arrived
Hello friends of Steemit, I tell you that after almost three weeks of checking my mail practically every day, today I come across the great news of the approval in this community.

I am very excited, I have read and I have been talking about wonders of steemit and the truth that I agree with all opinions.

I'm going to tell you a little about me.

Who I am?
My name is Daniela Peña

Venezuelan and I was born in Villa de Cura, a town located in the state of Aragua, state of beaches and mountains, I am at the most dreamed age that anyone can have, almost fifteen!

I have a wonderful mother, a little sister and a stepfather who has managed to earn that place, grandparents who adore me and adore them, uncles and cousins ​​and friends who make my life better than it already is!




I am currently studying third year of high school and I consider myself a very intelligent person despite having a visual disability, when I was 8 years old I was diagnosed with morning glory syndrome, optic nerve and retinal coloboma and periparpilar atrophy in my left eye, and I also suffer of myopia and astigmatism in the right eye.

[fuente] [Fuente]

The doctors saw my case as one between miles, many were unaware of this diagnosis and others had heard and read but it was the first time they saw it in a patient, they were surprised with that diagnosis of other types of problems, my mother took me to many Doctors, it was exhausting for me, I went through many exams when she recommended a doctor, I always did it with a hope but in all of them they told me the same, I was blind in one eye and did not have a treatment for that condition, just wear glasses for life!

They limited me to everything, even the career I want to study (medicine), and I feel that I'm not going to limit myself for what I want, but I can not do high impact sports, nor forces greater than 10 kilos, the high temperatures also It affects why I expose myself to them I can suffer a detachment of the right eye that doctors call the good eye and the other because I do not feel as different as my colleagues, I have done a lot of bullyng but that does not affect my self-esteem, my mom It has taught me much before that we are all equal before the eyes of GOD contrary to having this condition I like more to fight and forward, I am a good student and I feel that what I propose will reach him!

I like to share with my family and friends, I consider myself very sociable, I love music, but I am not addicted to technology and social networks, I make good use of them, I like the future with a medical degree and to be able to find a cure for people who like and suffer from sight and be able to help them

Despite being young, my mom and my family have always been very successful, although there is an episode that has marked me a lot and I can not stop thinking about it and it is the death of my dad, only when I I was 7 years old in this world, but he has always been good to me and taking care of my steps.

I consider myself an extroverted, sincere, kind person, I like dogs, I have a consent that is called brandy, I am very believer in God and the Virgin, I am very sentimental and emotional, kind I do not like injustices, I always like respect and the responsibility for the basis of trust, my mother has taught me many values ​​and principles, I owe her a lot.

Well friends, this is a small introduction at the time of starting, I still have things that I do not like but I am sharing with you and I hope a lot here.

I hope you liked my first post, or any comments, thanks for the support and for taking a few minutes of your time to read my introduction to this great community