introduceyoursell Good morning afternoon or night my name is Hernan Vazquez I am Venezuelan I am 31 years old

Good morning afternoon or night my name is Hernan Vazquez I am Venezuelan I am 31 years old I am a professional firefighter career I work in the firefighters of san francisco Venezuela Zulia State I am also a graduate in environmental management graduate in human resources or human talent I manage a company I am married and I I like the visions, the cinema, the park, open spaces, sharing with family and friends, I really like to know new topics of current events as well as history. It also calls me the tension of weapons in terms of shooting sport among other things and can not miss the fact that I like extreme sports seem interesting to me and I had not done my biography or presentation before because I did not know it was that way but when I saw new explanations I saw it on YouTube I realized I hope I can simply apologize they are loved and may God bless us today tomorrow and always.

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