Many content creators who start out on steemit, often think to them selves, what kind of content should i put out to get noticed, what if my first post is garbage and noone likes it ? Thoughts like these circulate around you brain for a substantial amount of time ( at least from what i've remembered when i start out.) Many however don't know how simple, yet effective the first post should be.
This I answer with a simple, make an Introuduce Yourself Post. Because these post's are what tells people if they're going to be in intrested in you, or what kind of content you put out. These post's also generally like to recieve a lot of support from the community because everyone wants to succeed as much as you do, so it's very relatable hence why it will probably recieve the most views out of the first 20 or so post's you put out.
I have made a mistake on this, which is why i can relate my expierences so easily. I have previously been wondering about the same question but when i came to an answer, I decided it was best to go with what i really like which was and esport's game called dota 2 for which i have a lot of passion on. However i did not realise this at the time hence why i never wrote an introuduce yourself post, which had a lot of people wondering about me, not really sure what to expect, what is going to come out etc etc.
I've realised it was a mistake ever since but i thought that after releasing over 50 post's it'd be worthless and confusing to my viewers to do an introuduce myself, which i also was wrong about. Because at the hight of success lays this decision, Once you write an introuduce yourself, you began to understand your 'fanbase' which i still at the point of having 100+ followers do not know about.
***If any newcomers see this post which btw, ( is why i'm putting this out), then please use my advice it will help you a lot. ***
As always if you enjoy my post feel free to :
Thanks for the advice lanaya. I've recently decided to try a few more things in life. Investing in crypto being one of them. Which was how I came across steemit, researching potential coins. Good tips for starting out.