Hello! This account is the owner of hundreds of exclusive account-handles on Steemit. As Steemit is a free market platform, and purchasing accounts is possibly for everyone if you pay 3 STEEM.
The idea is that as STEEM and Steemit increases in value, premium account-handles will become valuable for certain individuals and companies. As more crypto currencies use Steemit for blogging and general exposure to a very crypto-friendly crowd, having an account here is alpha and omega.
Accountshop is not a someone who is raiding all account-names and selling them back more expensively. Accountshop focus on buying account-names that are interesting for companies, popular youtubers and public profiles who can afford to invest in such a handle.
However, everyone is able to bid on an account and purchase it as an investment/speculation object. Every account-name is for sale.
We can see that certain crypto currencies are making thousands of dollars a month here on Steemit.
Right now work is done on a great system to value Steemit-accounts.
Please read the "white paper" here if you want to know more about the basics, and see some of the accounts currently for sale.
More account-names will be added daily.
What do you think? Please leave your thoughts and comments below!
welcome to steemit.. ^^
Thanks! :)