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RE: The Keiser Report Is Now On Steemit!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

thats very strange, i have been on Facebook since the early days when u neede da colege email address and i never gave them my real name, i always used my "Spirit name" that i chose myself base don keylontic Science from my Past life, its my reliegipous right, u can be a jedi if u want, who are they to say what ur name is

the way i ALWAYS saw it was facebook is NOT the government no mnatyter how muc they WANt to be

and as SOOn as they said i had to put in a REAL name i just ignored it, its NOT their right to demand a real name, its the FUCKING INTERNET and its ALWAYS been arbitraray its ALWAYS just ben a ociual media website, and its CRAZYthat u can get introuble for pushing buttons on a keybaord, people take the internet WAy too seriously for a society that DOESNT take the internet seriously, knwow hat i man? Its like they will totally use the inetrnet to FUCK u over but they wont accept the internet as a legfiot sourc of information "oh u read that on the internet" peopel ay that less and less because it makes someone sound retarded and old for acting luike the inetrnet is less accurate than what? Books? haha books that can never be updated in real time? Ah its so frustrating, baby boomers are to blame for most of our prblems, we need to let the baby boomers just fade away

They held on to all the things that fucked our generation, putting millions in jail over marijuana for example, imagine all the old judges who sat there destroying lives...imagine if baby boomers had simply not allowed iraq war to happen, imagine how much better of a world we would have.....

ok anyway maybe its NOT all the fault of the dominant generation that has been calling the shots....sure just tell ur self that hahaha but baby boomers are really fuckin everyone over for their own selfish reasons.....

and of course theres great baby boomers buti just think they should let gneration X havre a chance! but baby boomersjust wont step down and they wont give up power!

our leaders are so selfish they do things for themselves and never for their constituents, a few are true to their constituents, but its just....its hard to want to rot for a system when u know its not working as eficiently as it could be

i have to realize its not always some personal struggle, and i should not be somad at any one group, i guess its agist for me to blame baby boomers....

but yeah anyway u should just crate another facebook account, or purchase one, u can buy them from people, u also can invoke your right to have a facebook account like alex jones does heh he threatens to sue them over 1st amendment anti monopoly laws etc

hey anyways its very scarey when the big social media companies ban you for no good reason and u ave no access to them, u can just buy a nw account

Soon facebook will require you upload a fucking government isues ID just to use their service, EVEN if you have uploaded THOUSANS of photos of yourself at your home over and over, theyll still want ur IS (do they can sel the information etc )

theyc ant ban people without opening up a lawsuit, facebook allows so many criminals to straight up deal drugs ovr their platform

Honestly facebook sucks use Instagram and Twotter and Reddit and Youtube and youll do fine, u can just focus on non facebook systems, and youll be fine