
Hi Adam, its great to have you posting here at Steemit. Welcome aboard. As you state that you are interested in new material, I may have something here well worth looking into deeper. It involves analyzing metadata in regards to what the new Ukrainian regime appears to be up to. Lately there is a lot of verifiable information coming out that puts Ukrainian operatives at the heart of a number of these geopolitical ruses. Petri Krohn of "A Closer Look on Syria" and George Eliason (writer for Washington Blog, and now Consortium News) have been gathering a lot of information on these Ukrainian ruses. The various ruses involve the Grizzly Steppe hack or “PAS tool PHP web kit” hack, the Michael Weiss group PropOrNot tied into StopFake and the Atlantic Council, and recent revelations by the Duran of US Rep Adam Schiff's connections to Ukrainian oligarch and arms dealer Igor Pasternak. A lot to digest there, I know. :) My theory is that this is also all tied into Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky who is behind the Right Sector Azov battalions in Ukraine who were the murderous thugs that carried out the coup and have conducted ethnic cleansing and indiscriminate shelling of ethnic Russian Ukrainians. I also believe this is all tied into the MH-17 false flag (Robert Parry reported on a rogue Ukrainian military unit being behind the shootdown). I have a large amount of information related to such up at my Clarity of Signal site, much of it from mainstream sources, and quite a lot of it from underground sources. Please take a look. Just keep an open mind and don't get too overwhelmed as a lot of this material is difficult to wrap ones head around at first. Kind regards, and I hope you help take up the challenge of exposing aspects of this geopolitical insanity.

Here are a few recent and past links related to such that may be of interest to you.

Regarding Weiss and PropOrNot, George Eliason and Consortium News have checked the metadata and tied that into Weiss and Ukrainian operatives:

Unpacking the Shadowy Outfit Behind 2017’s Biggest Fake News Story
January 28, 2018

More here:

Regarding more on Ukraine and how it ties to the US destabilization efforts being carried out now, Adam Schiff has also been tied to Ukrainian oligarchs.

welcome to Steemit! really enjoyed your post!