Hello, my name is Alberto.
I used to have an account here, I lost it the day after because I lost the password xD
Like I said the first time (though I don't think anyone remembers lol), my likes are Metal in general when talking about music; videogames in general, though I prefer FPSs or TPSs; and that about resumes it.
I wanted to know, is it possible to share my game experiences here?
Hope this is well received, it would be awesome to be able to do this. Hope to have a great time in this community.
I like taking photos of my progress in games, and I wanted to know if I can share my progress here. If the answer is a yes, expect me to post A LOT in a tag like #gaming or #games or whatever tag this content fits in. I intend to post lots of photos each day, of course, all in a single big post, not in lots of small ones.
welcome again :)
you actually can post anything you like here but consider two things:
have fun :)
I don't really want to spoil anything... I'll probably won't even be uploading story-driven games. Right now, my ideas for games would be Ragnarök Online, Path Of Exile, maybe some Warframe, and stuff like that...
that is fine , as I said if it is going to reveal the ending of a movie etc...
otherwise you are good to go and we would appreciate someone entering gaming area :)
Well then, I will try to do my best to comment at least once a day, maybe showing my progress in each game I play in different posts so that stuff doesn't get too messy... Thanks for everything.
that is a good strategy , soon you are going to get your own followers(I followed you as well)
Thank you so much! Since I love gaming, this will be the perfect opportunity to meet more people interested in the games I like and socialize a bit more xD
Welcome back... @albertoacv98, I hope an upvote and follow will help you begin!