Hello steemians! welcome to my first post :D

My name is Alejandra, a "caraqueña" (from Caracas, Venezuela) graduate in Advertising. I am very excited to start this new "steemitic" adventure (I think I just invented a word hahaha).


I consider myself a dreamy person, a hard worker, and a lover of the simple and beautiful things in life (I value a clear sky, a coffee when it's cold, a good movie, making my friends laugh, among other things).

I graduated as a publicist, currently working as an account executive in a recognized advertising agency in Venezuela. I'm also a hobby model, I've never worked in this professionally but it's something I've been doing for years as a hobby and I enjoy it a lot!

I promise to offer you interesting content on current topics, my hobbies and reflections.

Welcome to my blog, I hope you all like my content!


Welcome on Steemit! You are gonna like it really soon :D

I am very happy with your presence in Steemit. I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Hello and welcome to Steemit. I'm Steward, but everyone calls me Stew and it's a pleasure to meet you. You'll find the Steemit community is very warm and welcoming and here's a post to help answer some of your questions:

The Ultra Beginner's Guide to Steemit- What to do 1st

Also, if you'd like to know more about me: My Steemit Intro
I look forward to reading your posts, pleasure meeting you and hope you stay in touch. Welcome to Steemit!
follow stewsak!

Hey girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are so beautiful and love your style.

Hi! Welcome to steemit...I hope you enjoy the community..... enjoy the platform..

Welcome to Steem!

Hello! It's nice to see you here!

Hey Hi,
Welcome to Steemit!

I just saw you new here, so I just follow you to learn more about you.

Here is some of my Tips that help your steemit profile growing.

  • Keep make new post everyday (1 or more)
  • Try to make more follow/followers by comment on these post or follow them.
  • Play nice :)

There are a lot of way to grow your steemit blog, but all above is just a basic.

Have fun posting.

Greetings @kunthy

Its nice having you.. Welcome.

Hi, welcome to steemit! it's really nice to have you here. enjoy the platform and explore the community...wish you all the best.

bienvenida a steemit
alejandraaraujo éxitos y suerte. hecha un ojo en mi post, cualquier duda pregunta.

Muchas gracias! igual mucho éxito!

Welcome! I'm also just new to Steemit (have yet to make my "intro" post). Looking forward to making new friends :)

Hola @alejandraaraujo

Bienvenida a la comunidad

Tengo un post perfecto para ti que estas comenzando: Tips para darle estilo a tus post

Por cierto, buenas fotos.. Saludos

Hola @raulmz muchas gracias por la información :D

Hi welcome to the steemit. I also got a friend from Venezuela. Btw nice intro

Welcome to Steemit, @alejandaaraujo! Looking forward to share your Steemitic adventures :) Have fun!

Thank you @herverisson :D

De nada :) Following on Instagram too :)

Wow, increible. ¿porque me encantan tanto las Venezolanas?.
Quiero una.

hola, mucho gusto, al igual que tu soy nuevo en steemit, también soy de Venezuela :D es un placer leer tu post te seguiré espero poder tenerte como seguidora también :D

Hola! muchas gracias. Ya te sigo :)

Bienvenida a la comunidad Steemit. Un abrazo @alejandraaraujo

Hola Alejandra bienvenida a la comunidad, espero disfrutes de los contenidos que ofrecen y que puedas sacarle provecho no solo a los ingresos sino a todos los contenidos desde lo intelectual. Felicidad y bienestar!

Muchas gracias @gracikuper ! igual mucho éxito para ti :D


Aaa yo he visto esos ojitos por Caracas definitivamente, bienvenida y un abrazo bien grande. Bless!

Nice photography..

Hi there! Welcome! I hope your steemit journey has been great so far! Great pictures! Very beautiful! :)