this is the video embed for Mark Dice's video:
"if you work at McDonald's, you're probably making more money now than a YouTuber with 1 MILLION subscribers!"
this is the video embed for Mark Dice's video:
"if you work at McDonald's, you're probably making more money now than a YouTuber with 1 MILLION subscribers!"
Totally true! I have over 45K subs on Youtube and the bottom has dropped out. I've woken up a number of times in the morning to only find my channel in Youtube jail.
More amazing, I'd almost bet your cool posts with only 92 followers on steemit have already earned you more than you've made on YouTube recently, with much less aggravation and hair pulling to boot! Nothing worse than working your butt off on a video, to be immediately knocked down for no apparent reason (with the flagging upheld)!
Yet, Katy Perry's latest sick video "Bon Appetit" on cannibalism/peda and eating people, now has over 68MM views and counting. Any question whatsoever that YouTube would have a problem with it? I'm sort of convinced that YouTube's run by some kind of blood cult or something.