#hello, my name is Alfy Novizal, I'm from Indonesia
Precisely in Bireuen, Aceh #matangglumpangdua #bireuen #aceh
I am 20 years old, precisely born on 26 november 1997 in matangglumpangdua
I am a student at malikussaleh university
Department of state administration, faculty #fisip #unimal #administrasinegara
My daily activities are: learning, video editing, playing online games
Results from the video editing I uploaded to youtube #youtube #youtuber
Check the link above to see my video
I also actively On instagram
Thats all about me, follow me and thank you all 😉😊
Hello Alfy! Welcome to Steemit!
please vote & Follow me
thanks :)
Welcome my friend! I will be following you!
please vote & Follow me
thanks :)
I follow you now! Together we steemit!
thank bro :)
Always welcome, together we steemit!
selamat bergabung broo @alfynovizal
Oke mntap :v