Thank you for the compliments & offer! I've built a lot of websites on WP, so I have that going for me; I just had to give myself a quick refresher on markdown. I also didn't post for almost the first week after I was approved because I was trying to learn everything I could, then I realized that there was way too much to learn and I needed to just jump in or I'd be stuck in information overload! 😏
I'm with ya on oils and plant medicine. I know there's a place for 'regular' medicine, but I try to avoid it as much as possible. I'm still learning and can't wait to get more into herbalism.
This really is a great place. I'm loving it so far. Thank you for stopping by and commenting - I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other! 😊
You're welcome again!! I quite likely will have questions for you as time goes on. I'd like to get a shopping cart on my website! And, get more polished in my blog presence. Yours is so pro in how your links work and everything. It's really awesome. I too, look forward to crossing paths here 💖🌹💖
Anything you need, feel free to reach out. I'll be happy to help in any way that I can!