Well when I went for my Bachelor's it took me 4 years for that degree. But everyday I had to realize what I was doing and the opportunity that I had. It was definitely hard to see it back then, but it was SO worth it!! Now I am planning on getting my Master's and that will take 2 more years. It isn't easy, but if you maintain a steady path and keep your eye on the prize, then time won't matter.
Oh patience is hard! I can still be inpatient with things, but something that will make a major change to your life needs patience and security. you're welcome ! Loved reading your blog and chatting with you.
Tell me the series of days you have to wait success when coming to college. I want to hear you tell to pass. 😢
I think I should learn patience as you do 😲
Thank for sharing :D
Thank you friend ! you are friendly. I want to be friends with you, we can help each other. I'm glad you like reading the articles I write. 🤝
If like facebook I will drop your heart.