Video - "Biblical Abductions? An Orthodox Look at the experiences of Elijah, Enoch, etc..."

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Filmed on location in Roswell New Mexico at the Ancients of Days UFOs & Abductions Conference

First off friends, this is NOT my best work (it's from 2004, I was the founder/organizer of the conference with about 12 speakers total, most of them much better at it than I!). At present, I am also still inside my Steemit "learning curve" so kind of practicing posting with this old video, while also working on building a following.

(See a much better quality video "introducing" one of my "headliner" speakers on my previous post: "Unholy Communion : Alien Abductions of the Fourth Kind Unveiled" - Ummmm where did the dang Editor go??? Gotta love Beta ;)

As you can see, I was also "practicing" with public speaking, haha, fumbling my way through the slides, etc!

That said, I'm not at all unproud of what is here. It is my refutation to the idea that events in the Bible were caused by aliens/ufos from outer space.... and while I feel I was definitely on the right track, this presentation needs a lot of work, if I am going to re-do update it for a probable 2017 conference in Roswell. Some speakers are verbally confirmed already, so be sure to follow @ancientofdays for official news.

As said, while on the right track, a newer more professional version of this talk would definitely incorporate the research from my 2013 article "Alien Abductions : Are They Spiritual or Physical Experiences?" found here

The above article is in part based on a book/presentation from the 2009 Ancient of Days conference entitled
"The Bible, Physics, and the Abilities of Fallen Angels" (Read whole book online :

Purchase on Amazon :

View the entire collection of "UFOs & The Bible" conferences, recorded during annual July 4th "Roswell UFO Festival" weekends and posted online for completely free viewing at
and/or Available for purchase on DVD at

All videos are copyright respective speakers, Guy Malone, Roswell Mission and/or Alien Resistance HQ, and MAY be freely downloaded and/or reproduced and shared at no charge for personal viewing and/or redistribution; re-sale prohibited. Follow @ancientofdays now for many more videos and articles to come, as well as details of July 2017's Ancient of Days conference. YOUR UPVOTES will help to pay for future conference expenses (such as airfare for proposed speakers, etc).


The introduceyourself tag is for creating a post that tells us about you. Users are encouraged to use this tag exclusively for that, and not to reuse it. Abusing tags can potentially lead to people flagging you, even from dan himself.

Understood, it won't be used again, thanks for "warning first" rather than flagging me down into oblivion! My other video here was of a popular speaker (where I cameo) I just wanted my mailing list (whom I'll be debuting Steemit and this page to soon) to see my first video from 2004, before I "got famous!" as their intro. But again understood!

And I'm very glad you are monitoring the site and posts for spam, etc!