It is a series of 2015 created by DanielChong who is based on its this Internetcomics, it is the first series animated by cantoon networck based on a comic. Chong is recognized by its work in Pixar(cars 2, toys story of teror and inside out).
This series is its jump to the animation like the director and writer, after all this time as quiz master develops.
About what does it treat?
The series turns around Brown, Bulging and Polar three bears brothers who livein a cavern in a forest looking for theway of adapting itself to the humansociety.
Leader of the group of bears is cheeredup and very effusive that only thinksabout how to make friends of a slightlyconventional and desperate waylooking for the approval of the others, but at the same time it takes thedecisions of the group and somethingconvinces its brothers to dare to makenew.
It is the tender one of the group, muchshier frightened and sensitively, but it has a dependence on its cell phone andthe same way a fiancée looksdesperately by means of applications of its phone. It is the most rational of thegroup.
A quiet bear that he always speaks in third person and that is expert in kitchen, dances, martial arts and manythings more. It is the most extravagantof the three.
Speaking about the series
The bears want to be a part of thesociety of human beings but they do not know how and this leads them to realizing many things like trying to throw their own meal car, to turn intoInternet stars, to be street artists, doing a movie and more.
At the same time it has company like a big foot very lazy called Charlie or a very intelligent girl who assists to the university called cloe.
Good and bad things
This series has many strong points as they them are:
• The design of both main and secondary personages.
• Its animation since it is very well takecare and it is alike more possible thereality. This part is evident when thereputs itself attention to the ambiencethat surrounds them.
• It takes care very much of the colors palettes.
• The transition between scenes.
• And the naturalness of themovements thing that is veryagreeable of seeing.
• And especially entertained.
Its humor is innocent, entertaining andclassic. They demonstrate that you donot have to use pleasantries of doublemeaning or anyone that another pastelazo humor to make laugh. Most of the pranks work well.
Here it is when it is exploited to theperfection to polar, with intelligenthumor and answers for that nobodywaits, there are things that make laughthe children and adults of a healthyway.
The same way the personality of theprotagonists and their development is very interesting, brown he explores theincapability of the communication withthe others going so far as to put manyuncomfortable persons. Panda showsthe sensibility of the persons and itsway of expressing who are in an irrational way by means of Internet. Polar this one like a humorous and mysterious personage, who surprises in every episode with short but substantial phrases.
If we analyze them more thoroughly we will realize that three bears symbolizethe personality of many of us and to ourpersonalities, in an intelligent andsatirical way. Panda is the perfectexample since its addiction to the socialnetworks especially to the Instagramparodies and tinder, they show to thecurrent society and its obsessions.
The most interesting thing comes whenyou analyze the series thoroughly andlook at not alone behavior of the bearsbut of other personages who surroundthem.
It is the perfect portrait of the currentsociety, full of the egoistic people, addicted to fashions, who looks for thereputation of a simple way, who is notsurprised for anything, who has no timeor patience to the others and as little by little it isolates itself of its dears. Somesecondary persons by means of pranksor lines show this. As NOM NOM internet koala that neither friends norsocial coexistence boasts of withoutneeding when it already has everythingin Internet and million followers. Eventhe bears know how the human beingsbehave and take one of its negativeattitudes in Internet. To me to look likethis is very deep.
This series becomes deeper when you find out about the topic that criticizesthe series and leaves thoughtfully thediscrimination to you. Although thereare three bears that they speak andthat try to be on good terms with thehuman beings having quite a goodintention, the human beings are notsurprised at them and treat thembadly. The bears do not know what to they need to do to gain the acceptance of the humanbeings, from children they have tried the most minimal samples afaffection that receive on the part of a human being keep them like anythingvery important. Not only the bear theresuffer from this discrimination alongthe series are seen other personageswho receive the same dealing, like Cloe that cannot fit in a university ambiencebecause it is very small. Thebackground of the series is moreimportant and serious than he believes. This teaches him to the children not less the others for being differentand shows it in a secondary andentertaining way. This is the best ideaand not only it teaches him to thechildren if not to the parents.
The only one against which I can find in the serious series alone some of thepleasantries of the script and the way of solving several conflicts that stopwith desire of more and are not verysatisfactory to end with the climax of an episode.
This is the most intelligent premiere of Cartoon Networck and something thathad not been seen in a lot of time, a series that separates from the basicformula of Cartoon Networck full of adventures, mystical powers andsurrealism and delivers to us a series ofhumorous slide of life for children. Theseries will not be any more iconic andprogressive of the actuality andprobably do not manage to reach thereputation of series as Hour ofadventure, Steven universe or gravity fall, but to analyze it is a delight, itfulfills its target and they show thatgood caricatures still exist done to learnsomething and to reflect on what we do like society.
If they look for a good entertainmentfor your son or for you this is an excellent option and highly advisable.
My qualification for this series 9/10.
I really enjoyed reading your synopsis and also giving a feedback on why we should watch this series. I myself also enjoyed this one aside from Adventure Time.Hey @andrew45 thanks for sharing the cartoon review about We Bare Bears.
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