Hi I'm Anomilus. Thank you for welcoming me to steemit. There is a lot to take in here. I've known about steemit for quite some time and have been blown away with the growth the platform and steem itself has grown.
This whole introduction feels awkward so I'll just post 10 things about me.
My former persona on an online game named simcountry was Psycho_Honey. Great Game, needs new developers/management, but I will miss it sorely.
I love chess. I play on FICS regularly.
I love cryptocurrency. I'm slightly past newbie, but far from novice. This seems like a mix of social experiment with a dash of cryptocurrency. Big learning curve here, but I'm game.
I have many children and love them dearly. 4 girls and 2 boys, they span from ages 19 on down to 6 months. They are my life force.
I love gaming. I hope to stream my favorite simulations one day.
I live in the United States
I was born and raised in Camden, N.J.
My top 3 favorite TV shows of all time.... a. Lost b. Leftovers(Nora Durst HALLO!) c. Fringe
I love MMA.
I'm one of the most philosophical thinkers of my time(in my own mind).
Enough about me. Thanks for reading this. I wouldn't mind following anyone who would like to follow me. Any guideposts would be greatly appreciated.
It's a long way up the hill of the north! Welcome to steemit 👌
Thank You lol.
Welcome to steemit,a community for positive people just like you,trust me you'll enjoy every bit of it...Looking forward to reading your blog
Thank you for the welcome.
Welcome to steemit it's fun out here
Thank you for the warm welcome.