
You guy's seem more of a meme nowadays to be completely honest. Your main figureheads are all in prison or ratted each other out. What was the last significant thing you guys produced? I am all for the movement but pretending to be some elite hackers who don't really know what the hell you're talking about is pretty counterproductive and cringe worthy.

@lude, Anonymous is not an organization nor a group. Anonymous is a collective. And if you wanna know what anonymous has achieved in the last 2 years alone, just just google "anonymous exposing / deleting isis accounts on twitter", "anonymous exposing kkk", "anonymous donating food to homeless", "anonymous exposing international pedophile networks / anonymous operation death eaters".

A collective is a group of entities that share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest, or work together to achieve a common objective.

A group.

Regardless. I agree with your politics, I just don't agree with the fame you associate yourselves with. Stay in the shadows. Don't make money on your image. But that's up to you. Enjoy STEEM

Thank you! something about these guys that just dont smell right, more like a group of people milking the system using the brand name anonymous, there's nothing "anonymous" about them anymore, they have an account with every social media website under the sun and now steem. cant say they are worth the disk space they use up on the internet. I remember the time when anonymous was just how you were identified on 4chan and where the real moral hackers of the world came together and tried to make a difference, as you said they've all been either arrested or compromised now leaving these teenagers to claim the brand. good luck to them on steem, seems they profiting alot already.

You represent the JESUITS. If you want any credibility change the masks. Again, FRAUDS

Symbols get re-purposed all the time, chill out gangster lol

Re-purposed, your way off lol yourself

great stuff

Sorry hun. Had to flag you for that. Naughty naughty. Are any of you guys from Brisbane. It's me Sally.

Changed my mind. Because I'm a sweetie. :-)

😲 omg well i guess your legit!