Introducing an asshat extraordinaire

Hello, my true name is Jean, which is ironic since i'm actually Luxembourgish/German/Brazilian without a trace of frenchness in me.

I'm 25, unemployed, i don't have a degree or any field of incredible expertise. I do have a talent for languages given i grew up with three different onse.

I grew up in Italy, where i'm considered a nazi german overlord and people often saluted me calling me Kartoffel.

I live in Brazil, where i'm considered a rich privileged gringo despite the fact that i can't even afford to go out for a drink.

I plan on moving to Germany where i'll be considered a dirty dirty south american immigrant despite the fact that german is the only language in which i don't have a horrible accent and the fact that my parents are german.

In short, i'm a beast of no nation with no particular skills but a pretty unique if cynical and jaded view of the world given the fact i'm a stranger in what should be my home.

The world ain't fair, but i hope i'll be able to call myself at home on this site.


This post may have no picture, but I can vouch for this man as we were in the same class in high school!

I think you should do a reportage about the place where you live. There's not many people, especially white, who come from Europe and live for years in a favela (impoverished neighbourhood or slum to paraphrase).

That being said, welcome to Steemit my friend!

Don't bullshit around, you talked me into joining.

I totally dig your style dude!! May i invite you to check out my page and consider entering the Cyrptalent weekly contest?

As i real talents or abilities to showcase here. I don't wanna waste others people time.

That's the point of my contest!! But I respect your choice. Good luck, i think you'll do fine.

Welcome to Steem @asshatvik I have sent you a tip

Welcome to Steemit @asshatvik :)

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welcome to steemit :)
please follow back :D

Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.

Welcome to Steemit Jean. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. :-)