Hi Daniel , welcome to steemit ! You seem like an interesting character, you have a new follower :)
Are you willing to confirm your ID via one of your social media channels or your website ?
Alternatively twitter DM @ausbitbank and I could confirm here for others..
Edit: Reading comprehension fail, nothing to see here ..
Psst @ausbitbank he's not really Jon Snow, he admitted that ;)
Hi Michael or @prophetdaniel - welcome.
lol michelle - such dissapointment :(
~~~ embed:774289875545784322 Done, @ausbitbank. Can you confirm to others? twitter metadata:ZGFuaV9rYXNlfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2Rhbmlfa2FzZS9zdGF0dXMvNzc0Mjg5ODc1NTQ1Nzg0MzIyIERvbmUsIEBhdXNiaXRiYW5rLiBDYW4geW91IGNvbmZpcm0gdG8gb3RoZXJzfA== ~~~
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
I cant actually see the DM tbh, but you tweeted publicly and thats good enough - it'd be a hell of a coincidence for that guy to mention me suddenly otherwise ;)