Ah... the bathroom notification is maybe the coolest thing I've ever heard! That is genius! I can just imagine getting up and standing in the cold waiting for someone to vacate. So smart! Do you sometimes wake up to 50 notifications... knowing someone had a wild night?
Hahaha, underpants are funny. There is a game called Battle Briefs coming out soon that I'm super excited for.. because, underpants are funny.
haha, thanks :D I also built in some stuff like "if someone uses the bathroom for more than 6 minutes, send me a notification that maybe he/she is doing ... -had to look up how to say it in english - in german we would say "his/her big deal", but a online wiktionary says you call it "to do a number 2", funny :D
I could add some statistics too, like to which time of the day it's more likely that it's occupied or things like that..
unfortunately, I never woke up from too many notifications from a wild night, cause.. would have been funny to go there and offer some help or something, in the middle of the night.
that game really looks funny, maybe I'll try it out, thanks for mentioning it :P