Hey Steemit!
Brie Marie here, or AwakeAliveAware! Im blessed to have discovered this platform and excited to be part of the fun. Okay so introducing myself? Haha thats a funny one, I really am discovering more about myself everyday and thats what I love about this life. My whole mission is to become just that, Awake, Alive & Aware, Being conscious of my life. Not living on autopilot. Living this incredible life that I have the chance to embody and take on and being self aware of my actions, decisions, and choices. (Are those all the same?) Hm, I'm a really a deep thinker, and I love to talk about taboo topics that a lot of people stray away from:
- Life
- Death
- Sex
- Childhood Upbringings
- The Dark Situations That Fucked Us Up
- How We Healed From The Trauma
- The Universe
- How We're All Living Our Own Little Story, And We Are Projecting It On Everyone We Come In Contact With
Okay not sure if some of that should have been in list format, but you get the picture. I empower others to dive deep into themselves and not be afraid of what they have to offer to the world. More than likely it is our light we are afraid of more than our dark. Most people live in the dark everyday, stuck in the same story about "Why they can't Be or Do something" but what if they chose to expose their dark side to the light? Then it wouldn't be hidden from you or anyone else and you wouldn't be scared to share it anymore. You then become vulnerable, and you are able to get closer to another person because you have released it and not chose to let it weigh you down anymore.
Well I guess that was a little bit of What I Do, and what I do really doesn't matter, its more about Who I Am Being When I Do These Things
Anyways.. I love traveling. I've been to 29 States in the US. I plan to travel to the rest by the end of 2017. I was born in California, after that I moved to Japan. I was a military brat. Every 2-4 years I moved somewhere new. After I got out of high school, I decided to keep traveling alone, go on a soul journey and discover what I really desired out of life. That's where I'm at now. Almost 23 on September 11th and I'm still discovering what I desire out of life. Do we ever discover what we really desire or does it keep changing as we change? You'll come to discover, I ask a lot of questions back to myself and the world in general. I'm always wondering about life and I think its beautiful that we have the ability to actually think about what is actually going on here.. I mean What IS actually going on? Will we ever know..
So yeah, Im excited to get started on here. As you follow my journey look forward to, reading some poems, some thought stream, me talking about the Earth and my wild thoughts about it, epiphanies, my abstract artwork which I'll put one below. (bare with me, its a hobby and I just do it for fun..not because I think I'm awesome at it, even tho I may have some potential) You'll see videos, love, connection, and really embracing all parts of my life that I want to share with you.
BlessingsOh, here's a video for you to get personally acquainted with me, you can also find me on instagram @AwakeAliveAware where you will find more videos and posts! :) so excited to be on this new adventure, ENJOY!
I posted this 2 hours ago, Im new as you can see^^, it went in ART category and I had no idea how to switch it so I'm sharing in Introduceyourself section. haha thanks for cutting me some slack- i started reading others articles saying to make sure you check where you post your stuff before it gets posted! haha
Yeah the category thing is tough to deal with. And you can easily get lost. Great post again. Consider upvoting my new post. I just upvoted you! I just posted steemit's first pool meeting where I talk about my initial thoughts about it. Check it out! https://steemit.com/steem/@brianphobos/first-pool-meeting-on-steemit-initial-thoughts-and-advice-from-someone-who-has-made-money-online-since-2008
Thank you! great article!
You need more Steemit branding for your content! :D Check out how to get free stickers: https://steemit.com/steemit/@dunja/free-steemit-stickers
welcome @awakealiveaware to steemit, nice to meet you 8]
mmm! Thank you! Nice to meet you as well! :)
Welcome! Nice to see here such an interesting person.
I also constantly thinking about the universe, about how it appeared and what is the meaning of its existence. Picture with quote suggests interesting thoughts. How could something come from nothing? It's so mysterious....
Interesting right? how were even here.. what is the meaning of it all? Is there a meaning? Am I actually here or is this all a dream? but if its a dream, how am I aware and what is it thats making me aware or who is it? and if there is a who.. why is it here and how did it get here. Oh the cycle goes on and on and I just like to ponder even though I won't figure it out.
Like in "The Thirteenth Floor". Have you seen this movie? It would be nice if somewhere on Earth has such a line, going out of which you will understand the Meaning.
But if that Meaning exists - who created it? And who created the one who created the Meaning? It becomes recursive :)
Woah, Im gonna check that movie out tonight! Thanks for the recommendation! Yes exactly. We are literally living the best creation possible... or is there more possibilities of something different than life that is out there? What if there is something different than "life" like what we are experiencing. What if there is an experience of something we know nothing about but theres something or someone experiencing it. I think life and death can be in the same category but if you are not living and you haven't gone through the death cycle.. where are you? lol
I've heard the theory that without humanity our world would not exists as that world that we know. For example - we see the colors because the light reflecting from some objects and perceived by our eyes. But cat eyes differently perceive that reflected light and they see the the world in other colors. So - where is the truth? I mean universe that we know exists only in our brains, and nobody knows how it will be looks like without us.
Welcome....Agree ...video that is,.....for me if i get in that 'Comfort Zone" i don't excell at all. I would rather be under pressure and pushing outside of the comfort zone, that's where the real survival skill and creative modes are accelerated. Enjoy you ride in steemit!!
Thanks so much!! & yess exactly, we stretch ourselves to see what we can take on and where we can go. It sometimes does feel like survival mode getting out of our bubble haha!
Welcome! )
Thank you! :)
Welcome to Steemit
Thank you!!
Imagine the universe with out Area 51? I went there to introduce Steemit to other civilizations.
nice article
Thanks I appreciate it!! :)
Thanks so much!!! :)