Warmest greetings, from my Heart
Hi, I'm Logan. I'm not posting any pics of myself due to the subject matter I'll be exploring here. I'm typing this with my human fingers, the words coming directly from my heart. I'm not a 'bot' and I have nothing to sell. But I believe I have a plethora to offer, for I have found more truth in the past ten to fifteen years than I'd found in all my years before, combined. Like so many before me, I was driven to it. And I plan to share all of it with as many as may be willing. If you'll read a little more about what I have to share, and notice that I'll be writing an entire series and responding to comments, you'll see I'm legit.
I hope you are in at least reasonably good health. If not, in the coming weeks and months it is entirely possible you'll find what I have to share to be invaluable. In fact it is my fondest wish that, equipped with what I post here, you'll be inspired to make yourself far more healthy, peaceful, free, and happy than you've ever been.
On your own.
This is what has happened for me, and what is now happening for my wife and son. Many of the truths and solutions I'll be exploring are thousands of years old but, sadly, hundreds and even thousands of years buried as well.
If you find yourself already familiar with many of the topics I'll be exploring, then a sincere "Good for you!", and please contribute in any way you might be willing. I'll do the same for you. If you feel I've gotten something wrong, please bring it up. None of us has all the answers, and I'm happy to tweak any info I have, to make it as correct and accurate as possible! And, bottom line, working together is the best way to find our way back home. Home. More on that below.
For the uninitiated, the controversial truths I'll be sharing will challenge your ability (or willingness) to be open minded enough to hold your fear at bay, long enough to 'hear' me out. "Fear?", you might ask. Yes, fear of your current world view (and comfort zones) being challenged. Please stick with me, for the payoffs blow the level-of-effort out of the water!
Okay so this is supposed to be an introduction to myself here on Steemit. I think that offering something of a bio will enable me to give some feel for what I meant when I mentioned I was driven to find the truth. In hopes of keeping this to a manageable size, I'll try to keep everything down to what is relevant to what I see as my mission. After the bio I'll return to the work at hand.
Abridged bio. Here goes...
I lost my dad when I was 10 (he was only 40) to a brain tumor. Or more likely, the treatments. I lost my brother when he was only 25, to cancer. Or more realistically, the treatments. And I lost one of my twin sons when he was only a day old, to a 'random' heart defect. My friends, nothing is random. There is only cause and effect.
I never had a nurturing mother, she was too caught up in herself being a victim. Everything was always about her, and her abuses were quite numerous. Then I got conned into a marriage to the same type of person. Glutton for punishment, maybe? Karma? Possibly. I've since remarried, and all is well.
My health began declining at the ripe old age of 13, due to the toxins so many of us are exposed to. And by the time I was 35, I'd accumulated over 50 distinct ailments/conditions/diseases. I was in varying degrees of pain, pretty much every day. I'd get wrenched out of a sound sleep at 4 am feeling like a fist-sized chunk of volcanic rock was being hydraulically driven up through my esophagus. Or my constantly painful prostate wouldn't allow me to sit, except when leaned over onto one cheek. Probably made people at the next table in the restaurant nervous. Ten years later, after countless tests, procedures, pharmaceuticals and practically no relief, the 'doctors' basically threw up their hands and told me I'd just have to live with it all. Over 30 years of strange ailments and pain, and there I was, being told I'll just have to suck it all up (and more) for the remainder of my days. Oh, but they were willing to try some surgical procedures.
I ran.
With nothing to lose, it was time to strike out on my own. Driven by desperation, I began what has been nearly 15 years of research as I now enter my 60th year on Earth. I'll not take up the space required to describe the mind-numbing shock I experienced while discovering that the 'medical' INDUSTRY not only doesn't reveal the true causes of our suffering, but that same INDUSTRY goes to tremendous lengths to hide them. Not the doctors, mind you, but the industry that employs them.
This will do for my bio, for now. Please read on as I describe what I plan to explore in this blog, how it all affects you, and what you can do about it. Straightforward, dirt simple, no bullshit.
The Truth
What all my research found, just as with so many before me, was that we've been lied to.
About everything.
Everything that matters, anyway. The controlling power structure of this planet (which controls the governments of every country), very long ago seized control of mass information and systematically replaced every important human understanding with made-up, if somewhat plausible, fairy tales. I'll expound on this in future posts.
"Okay fine, lies-lies-lies, whatever. But WHY?", many ask. "Why would they go to all the trouble to make up so much bullshit across the entire world? Why???"
One of the answers to 'why' is straightforward, given here with another question: How else would 0.001% of the population of Earth rule over the other 99.999%, living lavishly while reaping the benefits of all the work and accomplishments of the masses, who struggle to make ends meet, often starving to death on a planet producing more food than we could all possibly eat? How else would you do it? Certainly not by sharing the truths of our existence. The populations of this Earth produce enough goods and services to furnish every human on the planet with a very prosperous lifestyle. George Carlin addressed this question of 'why', by saying "It's a big club, and you ain't in it".
The lies are what generate the fear required to con an entire population into being (paraphrasing Carlin) obedient workers, dumbed down enough not to notice what's being done to them, yet just smart enough to run the machinery and process the paperwork.
This is nothing new, it's been going on for eons, but since they've woven it into the fabric of human culture, it's rather difficult for most of us to recognize. Making it even more difficult to decipher, naturally no one wants to feel like those claiming to be watching out for our best interests have been doing the polar opposite for as long as imaginable. It took somewhere near fifty years for the light to come on in my head.
Am I a conspiracy theorist? No, I am a realist. You see, there's no theory about it. When one digs a little, objectively, the conspiracies become easy to decipher, and are not terribly difficult to prove. And many, many researchers have gone to the requisite lengths to do just that. Are the truth explorers always spot on with every detail? Of course not. However, when you measure the case presented in the "official report" (of anything) against cases presented by independent researchers (with no agenda to fulfill), the "official story" most often becomes laughable.
The Mission
My role in this 'mission' is merely that of a messenger. Again, I've got nothing to sell. I am wholeheartedly excited at the astonishing numbers of good people sharing these truths, and teaching us that there has never truly been anything to fear. The planet-wide awakening is happening with or without me, I'm nothing special. Like most, the research I've done has gotten me both pissed off and pissed on (figuratively). My 'little boy' is now entering college, and I'd really like to somehow contribute to making the world he and his kids will be inheriting into (practically) anything better than it is now. This platform seems to me to hold potential for sharing results of all my study, for those willing to give it a look. And yes, I'm aware it'll take my best effort to navigate waters muddied by the fearful, the angry, the trolls, the paid shills, etc, but that's an unavoidable aspect of the adventure. I'd so love to help some of them as well, and I'm counting on Steemit to have nowhere near the numbers of disruptive agents deliberately muddying the truth in efforts to render it as indecipherable as they can manage.
I of course realize it's entirely possible that my posts won't garner any attention here in the first place. Regardless, as with all things, I accept whatever results may come.
I am not among those who have uncovered these truths first hand, I am merely going off of the work of those who have. It is my intent to basically repackage the information I've found into reasonably organized, digestible chunks of life-altering truth. Whether already acquainted with these truths or not, willing readers may then arm themselves with as much or as little as they find valuable to themselves and their loved ones. I will often infuse my own experiences with health, as I continue experiencing healing I never imagined possible when I was under the care(?) of the 'medical' INDUSTRY.
Spoiler: Short of catastrophic injury or being on your deathbed, NOTHING is incurable. There is indeed no ailment that will not be completely eradicated when approached from the angle of understanding the truth of its nature, and (most importantly) understanding the true nature of our chemistry which requires only very simple approaches to healing completely.
From anything.
And the most powerful treatment of all, for just about any affliction is... FREE.
Think I'm crazy? Stick around.
From the bottom of my heart, I dearly hope that I can reach at least a few who might greatly benefit as I have. My health is immeasurably better. 30 years of pain nearly gone, ailments ceasing, sicknesses practically non-existent now. And emotionally, I'm damn near bulletproof! You see, physical and emotional health are more tightly tied together than most have any idea. I'm developing courage for the first time. I'm finding not one, but multiple purposes for being here on Earth. And finally, I've discovered that the greatest joy I've experienced is from giving sincere aid, in whatever form, from the heart.
Out of love.
I am learning what love really is, on a grand scale. The love of all. All things living and (apparently) non-living in this adventure of life. I have found, to my great joy, that all is indeed one (much more on that to come). And the dawning of this realization is what enabled me to take the first step necessary to loving and accepting all, which was learning the peace that comes from the love and acceptance of me. Just as I am. All the good, all the not-so-good. And as result, the dark programming fades more rapidly from my being with each passing month, and the amazing synchronicities continue to accumulate.
We'll talk.
I look so forward to undertaking (what I'm referring to as) "The Voyage Home". Home to real health, never before experienced by most. Home to family, and the family of Earth. Home to compassion. Home to sincere respect, to common purpose. Home to no more fear. Home to Love.
Because I love. Deeply. I love you, I love all. All that lives, all that is.
The Voyage Home (series)
"The Voyage Home" will be my blog here covering the topics I've already touched upon, along with many more. Throughout the series, I'll also be exploring, in depth, the overarching question of "why?". Why all the lies, the poisons, the programming, loss of personal freedom, etc?
Little spoiler: The answer to "why" is not to protect us from a bunch of violent bogeymen terrorists. It's much deeper than that.
And after exploring the "why", I'll move on to an even bigger, deeper "WHY?", that no one's ever yet asked me about in conversation. And it's a doozy!
But my first Topic in the series will be 'An Overview of Food', because that's the best starting point in the journey back to health. And when physical health is recovered, emotional health unavoidably follows right in step. Ever notice how truly excited a puppy is, just to have woken unto a new day? Guess what... that's your nature too, and that's where you're headed. If you choose to.
Food is one of the biggest hijackings of human culture in general, and has been annihilating the health we were designed to enjoy for more generations than most could imagine. For the many not aware of what was done so long ago to our understanding of food, I'll be taking you well out of your comfort zone. I intend to shed a bright light on the design of our human bodies (layperson's version), and what we were truly designed to see as 'nutrition'. I'll explore what has resulted from not following that design, and what (amazingly) happens when we return to it.
For this, and all topics in the series, I'll contrast many of the reasons behind both the fact and fiction, leaving readers with (hopefully) enough tips, inspiration and motivation to research further for themselves.
This series will be my contribution to the body of work that is now well in progress around the world. And maybe, just maybe help provide the spark for more to begin implementing the changes that lead us all back to that place of comfort and love, a new Earth, virtually devoid of pain and fear. Together.
It's not easy, but it is simple and wonderful.
It's The Voyage Home.
In Love and Service,
from the Bottom of my Heart
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Welcome to steemit... Best of luck
Hello! Excellent article, you're done! Welcome to Steemit, I'm glad to new friends and have followed you, I hope you will follow me as well, wish you successful development of your blog! Upvoted your post! ;)
Thanks Dmitry! I've now followed you as well! All my best,