Hey everything. I just joined in steemit.


Hello all! I want to introduce myself a little bit about the experience I want to join in Steemit and what I have written in the last few days. But first bit backstory how i heard about steemit site ...

It was late april and i was sitting in one of the Wifi places i saw there was one teenager writing a steemit article with his brave i asked him what was steemit. He replied steemit this social media where we post on pay here. And I continue to ask how we can be paid. He said you just list the steemit account then we post and look at some if your interesting content you will be on vote by them whales in steemit. I believe that steemit will help me where I am thundering to help keep me always aware of the latest news in the world that might affect steemit. It's just that there is something different mentioned today. One of the founders of Steemit.com (can not remember if it was @ned or @dantheman) was present at the event and was discussing a revolutionary social media platform that would pay its users for the content they provide ...

I think now here is a new idea ... paying people for the work they do ... I need to see this.

I signed up a few minutes later and made my first post ready and shipped within hours. The rest of the day I researched and read everything I could about Steemit and cryptocurrency in general. I have no experience in cardiac crypto but I am quite experienced in DOTA 2 games in general and have heard a lot about Bitcoin for years. I feel like this is ultimately something I'm looking for ... something I've been waiting for ... and it's not even a penny to sign up! Just my time


 Halo semuanya! Saya ingin mengenalkan diri saya sedikit tentang pengalaman saya ingin bergabung di Steemit dan apa yang telah saya pelajari selama beberapa hari terakhir. Tapi pertama sedikit backstory bagaimana saya mendengar tentang situs steemit...Itu adalah akhir april dan saya sedang duduk di salah satu tempat Wifi saya melihat ada salah satu remaja sedang menulis artikel steemit dengan berani nya saya menanya kepadanya apa itu steemit. dia menjawab steemit ini media sosial dimana kita posting di bayar disini. dan saya lanjut menanyakan bagaimana kita bisa di bayar. dia berkata kamu daftar saja akun steemit lalu kami post dan lihatlah beberapa jika konten kamu menarik kamu akan di beri suara oleh mereka ikan paus di steemit. saya percaya steemit akan mebantu saya dimana saya yang menggelegar untuk membantu membuat saya selalu mengetahui berita terbaru di dunia yang mungkin mempengaruhi steemit. Hanya saja, ada sesuatu yang berbeda yang disebutkan hari ini. Salah satu pendiri Steemit.com (tidak ingat apakah itu @ned atau @dantheman) hadir di acara tersebut dan sedang membicarakan platform media sosial revolusioner yang akan membayar penggunanya untuk konten yang mereka berikan ...Saya pikir sekarang di sini adalah ide baru ... membayar orang untuk pekerjaan yang mereka lakukan ... Saya perlu melihat ini.Saya mendaftar beberapa menit kemudian dan membuat posting pertama saya siap dan dikirimkan dalam beberapa jam. Sisa hari itu saya meneliti dan membaca semua yang saya bisa tentang Steemit dan cryptocurrency secara umum. Saya tidak memiliki pengalaman dalam kripto kardiak tapi saya cukup berpengalaman di game DOTA 2 pada umumnya dan telah banyak mendengar tentang Bitcoin selama bertahun-tahun. Saya merasa seperti ini akhirnya adalah sesuatu yang saya cari ... sesuatu yang telah saya tunggu-tunggu ... dan harganya bahkan tidak sepeser pun untuk mendaftar! Hanya waktuku 

Follow Me @ayiernesto


Welcome to Steemit. Stephen

Welcome! Brave to just ask a random guy about what he's doing. It was definitely worth it :)

thank brother :)

Selamat bergabung @ayiernesto

semoga artikel kami bisa bermanfaat!

Jangan lupa untuk follow akun kami ya, karna kami selalu memberikan info bermanfaat mengenai Steemit! :)

Welcome on Steemit @ayiernesto! Have fun!

Thank you brother:)

Welcome to Steemit Land!

thank you brother :)

Welcome to Steemit @ayiernesto :)

Thank sir:)

Welcome to Steemit. Now following you!

thank brother :)

Thank you @abit for his introduction :)

nice introduceyourself post

thank bro :)


thank you papa :)

Welcome and followed you have joined a fun and growing community here!

Thank you brother:D

ggwp kawan :)
selamat bergabung @ayiernesto

makasih kawan:)

Welcome to Steemit! :)

Welcome, Hope you enjoy!

Welcome to Steemit spaceship! many of us came for the money and get stuck with the awesome community! :)

Thank you for the translation! Glad to have you as part of the community. Being courageous when asking about Steemit could be beneficial to you for the future, the universe rewards positive energy with positive energy my friend.

Scammer and ID thief !cheetah ban

Okay, I have banned @ayiernesto.