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RE: Out of the Shadows and Into the Light

Hey Liam, its funny that I should read your introduction post last - I followed your poetry and landed on your profile, and read through your intervention essay, and the post on suicide.
Now, I should begin by saying that more often then not, even when we would hate to admit, we form biases in our heads for everyone - across a specific category, we label them, and form an idea of them. That's just how the human brain works - easier to function that way.

What I had recently picked up from your writing was that you're perhaps a troubled person.. perhaps with a few unanswered, dark and haunting questions that never really leave you - some of the most parasitical nature.

Honestly though, I never had you pegged for an 18 year old. I must say, when in turmoil, is when a person deserves most appreciation, love and warm comfort. I wish to be able to provide that here - but this is not just that. This is pure admiration for the way you are - the way to convey and orchestrate your writing. The way you put a world of emotions behind it and the beauty which you unleash on the reader. You're an old soul. And there's so much talent in you that you haven't even discovered yet. I hope this can be one of the places that help you discover yourself. And trust me, you'll be mesmerized. I am so inspired by you - you 18 year/old soul... you're a paradox right here. :)



Thanks for reading! I absolutely have biases and don't pretend not to, some of which I can't control; and which will appear in my writing.

I suppose it could be described that way, as the more you think about the idea(s), the more is presents itself in writing and life. Existential questions (and not only this) do posit some troubling answers...

How old/what kind of person did you think I was (out of curiosity)?

That probably is true, it is saddening to think of the unfilled potential of many, not only in writing, if you think of who they could eventually become.

I just try to give realistic insights into my thoughts and experiences, I think this was helped by reading teenage and adult fiction when I was very young.

Age, I don't think, necessarily implies being soulful, there are some old fools out there (or with no soul) ;)

To answer your question, I thought you'd be in your mid twenties, to say the least. I was wrong. But then by reading your work I was convinced that you're more in touch with your inner self than most people who just merely exist, day in, day out. I was right about that one. :)

And you're right! Age is often rendered immaterial if you refuse to feel...