I am Mohammed Abdul Aziz from a third world country (Bangladesh). I am not employed person or even my family is not even have enough money to support me for my higher education. During my childhood, I went to community school where many child labors come to study and get free education. Now, I am a graduate student and I give much time in e-learning to develop myself.
I managed my educational expenses by teaching some students and now I established a
Community School
I also give free education to underprivileged children from my house tutoring and from friends donations. As I feel responsible to help my community children who go for work in the market and who don't get proper nutrition. I am also working for sustainable development in my country. Please pray for me and my School.
here is my web : Community School,
Facebook page: Community School Page l,
twitter: Account l
You can email me for any interest to know about my school activities too.
[email protected]
Thank You
I believe I can continue it in future.
Thank you very much
May be I couldn't satisfy you !
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Thank You very much
Thank you
Thank you very much
Yes ! Thank You