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RE: Heeeelp!!! I don't know which is scarier: trying to enter the crypto world or the thought of missing the train. Eeek!

Yep quality is a very individual thing. In one of the discord rooms I look into every now and then there are a few foreign language posters that I take a look at and use the browser translate function, some time it works real well, sometime, you can get funny looking sentences, and sometimes it just doesn't work at all.

But Quality really is in the eye of the beholder, kind of like beauty. Some people really really hat fiction, and think that fiction authors are all over voted and rewarded, some people hate Cryptanalysis and think they are overrated and paid, but for all the dislikers there are more that vote for the content than those that down vote the content.

There are groups of people that do want to help new users out, I mean who is going to make us something new to read, who is going to read what we put out, it is the new users, they are key to keeping steemit growing and improving, and a positive environment is a happy environment.