If WALDO was a whale; would you be able to spot him in a crowd? For you n00bs a WHALE is someone with A LOT of Steem Power. They have the power to make your posts FLY! So if you do FOLLOW FOR FOLLOW, you are just making it harder to FIND WALDO!
1 month ago I wrote about steemit and the mind set you need to move forward!
I have read so many blogs about how to profit over steemit, what to blog about, and what not to blog about. Sometimes I just ignore what not to post just to remind myself that I am allowed to be ME (even if it offends someone). Of course I do not endorse anything that hurts other people.
So for the N00bs here is a list for you since there are 1000s of new users every day (who are hopefully not bots).
#1. Treat Steemit like an RPG GAME (level up)
#2. Slowly learn the rules as it's not always clear on day 1
#3. Follow Successful Steem members, and make connections with other members by reading and commenting
source: vixendaily.com
I have been caught up in some of the drama, the "unfair" parts of the community etc.. I am approaching my 5th month doing this and I haven't stopped. This platform is much more rewarding than FACEBOOK. Once you have figured out who you want to follow either by STEEM POWER or just good blog articles; then you MUST CONNECT. People are not an island, and steem is a community! This community is full of many different kinds of people. After about 3 months I had to vet through my following list because my home feed was just pathetic. It was full of KOREAN language, spam, and generally useless content. It also took me 1 hour and a half!
If your following list is 1000's of people you won't see the content you like!
I just want to re-id-orate that success on steemit doesn't always mean writing the BEST content. Sometimes it's a hot blond in a sports bra! Ok, well what I mean is that sometimes it's just getting attention!
NETWORKING and COMMUNICATING just like in real life. You will make connections and eventually it won't be a follow for a follow! It will turn into an UPVOTE just for being YOU!
Hope this helps the N00bs! Wish I found these tips right off the bat when I first joined. Scrolling through feeds helped me learn, and we don't see past content. Hopefully this will reach new users and will help.
You would think with me having over 1000 followers I would be getting 1000 upvotes.
WRONG- And it doesn't mean I'm doing anything terribly wrong.
I am proud of the fact that I started with (ZERO) STEEM and made hundreds afterward without buying my Steem Power. It doesn't make me a GURU but it means I'm earning something without knowing one person to help.
So a tip that is not on my list is to be thankful! There would be no opportunity without this community. Although the drama and darkness occasionally pops-up from time to time it does die down and it should never distract you from your ultimate goal of growing!
Good luck new Steemians!
(PS I rarely use #introduceyourself tag, and I know it's frowned upon..but I find it helps get the right exposure for N00bs. I also don't discriminate; I have no problem with hot brunettes either)
BB613 - Have a good weekend!
Upvoted and I'm not a bot. I have seen your posts from the beginning and thank you for your advice!
Thank for this great post
its been 5 months for me too
I am still figuring this thing out
Bb appears on this one Waldo not only found you but likes to be talked about in a nice way. Very informative post , I just hope the intended target will read and get the message. It's sad that dollar signs are like cataracts, they impair ones vision. Upvoted and resteemed ............billytwohearts
Never for you Billy. You are a diamond in the rough. I know you are not here for the rewards, and you post very unique content based on your life. You deserve more attention. You have mine at least and I know you upvote because you "like". That's really cool and that's the kind of connection I'm talking about.
Thank you kindly bb for those words, I do appreciate your reply............billytwohearts
I keep on following people here to get more followers, your advice made me think twice... I guess you have a point and I would consider it. Thank you for the advice.
I also dont know why so many bots follow me. Perhaps I have been added to a list of some kind.. auto voting etc..
welcome Bearbear613! Glad to see you, hope you enjoy here as much as i do ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me .
HAHA.. did you even read it
Thanks for shared!! I understand now!! Thank you so much brow for you information
I think most people don't understand what the consequences of the weighted voting system are on their payouts.Most people think more followers --> more upvotes --> more money, which is why the follow-for-follow thing is so popular among new users. Most people dont understand that a single whale vote is often worth more than hundreds of minnow votes.
yes! This post is basically trying to help people to move away from FOLLOW for FOLLOW. I did it when I first started and I didn't see helpful posts on this phenomena. The platform is relatively new and N00b's kinda wonder in the dark for a while. When people wonder for too long, they lose interest. It seems like steemit has a blog - flow but gets erased with history. We don't have time to go through all the in's and out's of the platform so it's easy to lose focus and interest. Hopefully this helps a little for whoever saw it.
Thanks for sharing @bearbear613 makes sense
Thanks pal great post and advice
Thanks for the advice, very useful :)
Just joined, money not my bag, your post put to rest the notion I might be in the wrong place. Thank you.
good post , so thanks ; but my question is : wh we look to have more and more followers but we can't to upvote more thane 20% (sp) per day ?
you. an upvote as much % as you want just takes longer to recharge
I have been on steem for over a year and I have to say that I hate when someone comments on a post with just a link to a post. I will never follow that person. A great comment that adds to any post can also turn into money for you. Add value and people will respond positively.
Noobs place way too much emphasis on trying to garner followers since having followers ismuch overrated. Nominally, I have 500+ followers but So what? I have only a handful of regular readers.
I would trade a hundred followers for one reader.
agreed; it doesn't hurt to have followers but at the end of the day it doesn't always mean much. We think more followers more upvotes.. but it's not simple like that.
Thanks for this, as a newbie, this is very useful advice, although I'm not sure what you mean about the 'leveling up' RPG aspect.
I'll give you a follow, you sound like you're reflective, which I like!
I created a link to that post about leveling up. It's at the top of this post.
thanks for you post. funny fact, I was just about to figure out how to get more attention, upvote etc. I was reading some posts about how to gain quicker and just like 5 minutes ago I said to my girlfriend "no, that makes no sense, we will post what we want to post and either the people going to like it or not". so again many thanks for that input.
Love your post! I can't vote right now, as I'm waiting for my voting power to come back up, but I would like to say this. #2 Slowly learn the rules as it's not always clear on day 1
THAT'S for darn sure!
Very good points being made ; i love how this platform is always giving away very good advice ; information is a commodity !
Dear @bearbear613,
Welcome to Steem You become rich as soon as possible,
remember me when you are rich :]
best wishes
This really hits my nerves at the right spot! I have been thinking about trying to find more followers but it has been very difficult to find people with the profiles or characters that I will want to really follow and read their blogs . I knew people who have many followers tend to have more upvotes and higher reputation.
Yet when I got people following me and asked me to follow them back in their comments, I couldn't return the favour everytime. This is because I have to check their posts and decide whether I want to have their posts in my feed each day. So, I am still struggling to increase my followers by commenting on others ' blogs and up voting those I would like to be connected with.
Things don't always work out. I may be very interested in some whale-bloggers, but they don't reciprocate because they don't find my posts interesting. On ther hand, people to whom I didn't respond to their requests, would unfollow me within a day.
So, I have resigned to the fact that numbers of followers are not very helpful to me. I would like to connect with people whose posts I like to read everyday.
Sorry for going on too long. It's just your post has shed light on my dilemma and I have to find out my own ways to build up my own niche of friends in this community.
Thank you very much for your tips and advice! This is very helpful for us noobs :))
This post has received a 0.31 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.
some great tips and reminders thanks for sharing I from time to time follow posts thanks to people I follow resteeming so I'm like a follower slash lurker type person I check a few posts/blogs out if it's what I like after like ten or so resteem's I hit the follow button but long before that I will upvote anything that has great content or like this post helpful content and I resteem as well :)