I am a n00b. I am still kinda new to this. I try to post quality (ok some crappy), and I have noticed some articles getting a small number of votes but a HUGE VALUE attached. Does that mean someone with a higher rank just upvoted? Other times I get 15 votes and not even a cent value. Your two cents would be of value. I am sure this has been asked before; but not even sure about the search function.
I would appreciate any follows and upvotes if you found this to be your same question (at any time in your steeming career)
Thanks! I'll definitely follow anyone who knows what they are doing, cuz I sure dont.
Glad you asked. I was wondering the same thing.
I checked your profile out and you got some serious upvotes.. and you still don't know lol. All I can think of is I am producing crap.
The amount of SteemPower someone has determines the weight of their vote.
And when someone with that much steemPower votes they also get a cut of the proceeds when there is payout?
Part of a payout is writers rewards and part is curators rewards (the people who have voted). Greater SteemPower increases the overall payout. And it increases ones share of curation rewards.
It does not take away from the writers payout. Does that answer what you asked?
and weight determines value? so I could theoretically buy a bunch of steem and create great power here without doing any real work for it? Or am I missing a point somewhere? Yes I am a noob, whopping 4 posts and all.
Well, yes. You have to commit that Steem to SteemPower though, which locks it up for quite a while. Payout over 13 months if I remember correctly. Well, long.
You're 4 posts ahead of me, so you'll do fine. Me, I'm the king of procrastination...
Welcome aboard! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek
Welcome to steemit, best of luck.
voted.. THANK YOU.. now I see. The guy is a legend obviously ;0).Ok so it just went to .11 cents and I have no freaking IDEA why lol. Ok it's because my good friend @fyrstikken
Guess that's the secret.
haha no idea how it works...just happy to be here. :)
well thanks for upvoting. We shall see the RISE together.
Yes, I am also new to steemit and when I upvote an article, the payout does not change, although it was counted... the more steempower you earned, the more valuable your upvote will be.
Welcome to Steemit!