My first week on Steemit - thoughts


So it's the end of my first week as a member of the Steemit community and I thought I'd do a super quick overview of my experience ☺️

  • More thought and effort is required when posting. Unlike Facebook or other social media platforms, members here are far more likely to respond to (and post) genuinely creative and interesting thoughts and information, rather than random snaps of their dinner. It's so refreshing. 🌎

  • The eSteem app is a great new addition. So much easier to post when I'm out and about and some aspects even seem to work better then on the my desktop browser. The notifications are a real time-saver too 👌🏻

  • Everyone is really nice! No trolls, negative Nellies or nasty peeps. Yay Steemit 👍🏻

  • Conserve your upvotes, but don't be stingy. Kindness breeds kindness. ❤️

  • Take your time to engage with the community. I've realised people are so quick to offer advice, tips and little gifts and it's so so helpful - thanks to everyone! ☺️

Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts, and a follow/upvote would be awesome too.

Good vibes to all 🙏🏻


Nice positive and correct evaluation

Thanks @bubke! Still lots to learn but I really like it so far :)

Oh boy there is something waiting for you!^^
I would say many people are nice and I already got to know a lot!, but not all of them are nice and you should be prepared, because they will come one day. Just mute them xD

Ha ha ha! Many thanks for the heads up @mergesort! Still young and naive so I am 😂 Still your comment proved my point for now at least - you guys are awesome 🙏🏻

You are a cat person and i just love cats XD
You must be good person to believe that everyone else is a good person here^^

Positive thoughts = positive outcomes dude 😊 🐈❤️

Good vibes works for me. I do get the trolls. As I'm taught while growing up; I usually don't feed the trolls :)

Nice article. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with likes of nerds like me.

There's no better response @bitfairy - do not encourage negativity! Thanks for your kind words - have an excellent day 👍🏻

A big warm Steemit welcome goes out to you BPM! :-D
A quality succinct reflection on your Steemy experience, and I shall reward thee with an Upvote along with a High Paw! See no stinginess here my dear, Steem on. ;-D



High paw! Love it! Right back at ya dude! 😊👍🏻

Yeah High PAW! Thanks dude! :-D

Cute pic lol! Hello! It's that time of week where I go through my new followers and follow them back out of support. I also like to bump and cure and original post and this is the one I have chosen. Hello, I'm @enginewitty, founder of #thealliance and trainer of @killerwhale. I look forward to seeing what you have to offer my feed! Until next time :)

Thanks @enginewitty! Still finding my feet on here so thanks for your support and glad you liked my post! 🙏🏻😊

Anytime, if you're into pictures, SteepShot may be an app you'd like. Progressing. I been trying it out. Not like Instagram where every other post is some ad about a video game I'm never gonna play lol

Thanks! I'll check it out

Well there are certainly one or two trolls out there... but we're pretty chill :p

I must just be lucky not to have come across any yet. Thanks @trogdor

welcome ! :)

Thanks @shauna27! Hope you're having great day 😊

Nice Introduction !
Welcome to the steemit community !!


Happy Steemit ! Best of luck !! Keep steeming !!!

For more follow me @akkha

Followed @akkha! Lovely comment, who doesn't love teddy bears?! ❤️

Thank you so much for beautiful lines dear friend ! Followed you back . Lets be in touch !!

Welcome @beepandmarco aboard the steemit express. This is a great platform to express yourself just like any other social media outlet except this one pays its users for interacting with each other. Post good content and your rewards can be limitless but always stay true to yourself.

@slickhustler007 #minnowtowhale #minnowsupport

Thanks for the advice @slickhustler 😊 'stay true to yourself' - right on 👍🏻

My first two weeks and I agree, it is refreshing!! And people are nice! And we get information that can be useful! Really enjoying this community as well!!

It makes such a difference when everyone is in the same mindset @annariley - only 7 days using Steemit and I've pretty much binned Facebook. Glad you're enjoying it too 😊

It does make a difference!! Thx!! Say hi to beep and marco!

They're sending love and purrs your way @annariley

Aww thanks beep and marco.. I'll take the love and purrs :)

Great evaluation, u seem cool lol so i shall follow u, hope u follow me back, i post funny and interesting things

Thanks @scottyg! Followed 👍🏻😊

dude, such a learning curve in the first week. glad youre still here

Totally, like a new world. Thanks man 😊👍🏻

COOOOOOOOOL, followed. I'm a huge music fan - thanks

:))) thanks so much

Hello and welcome friend.