introducing myself

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

photo: @mattepalla

Hi Steemians,

I feel like it's time to introduce myself. I've been posting on Steemit every day since I registered. I made my choice to stay, yey! I already made good connections, started to follow inspiring people and I found out that it's important to write a few words about myself.

Let's start!

I am a 28 years old documentarist from Hungary. I'm a nature enthusiast and recently, -thanks to Steemit-, I took my first steps as a poet. I write Japenese haikus, those brilliant three lines poems, following simple ancient rules that give the writer freedom without borders. They basically describe emotions through natural subjects and capture short moments in time. Usually read in one breath, giving a sense of sudden enlightenment. I'm not an expert, only trying to understand how - through haiku - I fit into the world.

I kind of feel the same about films. So I try to put all the feelings and experiences into documentaries. Nature always plays a dominant role in every topic I'm about to shoot.


I try to travel as much, as I can, as far, as I can. My boyfriend is a cinematographer with really good eyes and we love to work on worldwide projects. Sounds perfect, but sometimes it's hard to get deal with each other because of our nature. But hey that's how things work, right?

Wish you a great time on Steemit,



Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you! hi there :)

Hi Andi how are you? Really nice intro, i love it ! I’m a new steemit user as well and would like to connect with other cool steemians, artists and musicians. I’m posting music tutorials and other things related to music (and bitcoins:p). I’m the founder of the free music school communicasound. I'm really pleased to meet you. So i give you my vote, follow you and i will be happy to read your next posts in the futur. If you want, you can do the same and follow me. It’s important to have a family in Steemit :) Greetings from Paris. Peace.

Hi CommunicaSOUND! thanks for the kind words. I've checked your posts, and I'm glad you got in touch with me. Welcome to Steemit! Let's grow big together!

Sure, i'm glad to connect ! Looking forward to reading your next posts :)

Hey there Japanese writing poet from Hungary, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and I am hungry for oatmeal and I love your photos here and I like to write poems and songs. Welcome.

Hi Oatmeal Joey, well said :) hope to see, listen to, and read your stuff too! keep in touch

Hello Andy! Happy to find your profile,can’t wait to read your posts. Have a great day!

all the best, and keep in touch!Hey @cruella, thank you, I've checked you posts, and you are really good in colourchallenges, wish you

My experience has been great so far. Hope you enjoy being here.

a lot :) thank you

Welcome bertokandi, I hope you enjoy things and have fun posting.

Hey there, I do, this is really new for me, but enjoy it a lot.

It would appear as though we share interests, with photography and poetry. I love melancholic your photos are (they truly feel like they have captured the essence of winter), and the Haiku redirects my feelings for the photos to other topics but in a constructive manner. Needless to say, you've earned yourself a follower.

Hi there, it's good to see others' photos and read their own poems. That is a really good way to look into someone's world. Thanks for you kind words, much appreciated! I'm a beginner, in poetry and writing them in english as well, so sorry if sometimes they are just jumbled, but fortunately haiku always gives that foggy, yet very clear feeling.

Nagyszerű! Akkor ezek szerint Mátéval együtt járjátok a világot, ugye? Ez csodás! Most kell egy kis idő, amíg összeszedem az embereket és magamat is, aztán nekikezdek, egy-egy posztomban majd 2-3 vagy esetleg 4 magyart mutatok be. Ehhez türelmet kérek, mert nem akarok félmunkát végezni!

Köszönjük a támogatást :) nagyon jó ötlet, hogy készítesz egy közös posztot, így megismerhetjük egymást és össze tudunk tartani. Kíváncsi vagyok a többi magyar steemianre, ki-miért áll neki, és milyen posztokkal foglalkozik. Azt érzem ez még nagyon új dolog, de lehet csak nekem :)
Igen , már egy jó ideje kalandozunk együtt. És még tervezünk is sokat. Előbb-utóbb csak megírunk közös történeteket is, talán ez lenne a cél.
Jó munkát és bármire van szükséged csak szólj.

A Steemit nekem is új volt pont egy éve, és nagyon bonyolult, szövevényes. Aztán szépen sikerült kibontani a szálakat, és az alapelve nagyon egyszerű. Káin és Ábel vagy Romulus-Remus féle sárba tiprás helyett Hunor-Magyar féle testvériség, vagyis SZER, ahol az lesz igazán sikeres, aki másokat emel, nem legyőz, persze egy kis egészséges versengéssel, ami inkább motiváció. Szép analógia van erre a biológiában: az együttműködés visz előre, nem a létért folyó küzdelem.
Persze itt is akadnak olyanok, akik mások kárán akarnának gyarapodni, de őket előbb-utóbb kidobja a rendszer.Örülök, hogy tetszik ez a kezdeményezés. Láttam már hasonlót, #thankyouforbeing címkével, és gondoltam, ezt én is megtehetem mások felé. Ezúttal megkeresek mindenkit, aki aktív és szívesen beszáll.

Egyetértek minden szavaddal, várom a következő posztjaidat magadról és másokról :)

Hi, Andi! Welcome..
Let's share each other about films. Or maybe we can make any movies together someday. Lol. Nice to know you here

hehe, we'll see, we'll see :)

Welcome to Steemit. I'm relatively new here too. I'll watch for your haikus on my feed. Have fun.

Hi @jasonb777! Thank you, I'll keep following your thoughts as well :)

Szia, welcome Andi!

A really lovely haiku. Welcome to the platform: Good luck, Andi:)

thank you for being a great companion!


Glad you are here bertokandi! Shining on us with great photographs and beautiful haikus :)

thank you <3, i'm glad we keep following each other!