Hello Steemit, nice to meet you! It's Benny

Dear people around there in Steemit,

i want to wish you all a nice day and give you some information about me, a dude joining this fantastic looking community.

I'm a 21 year old Creative, whos not really active in any social media. Sometime i thought about starting a blog, because writing is some of my biggest desires, but i did not yet. Maye because the lazybones.
Well, at the moment im studying business administration in Heilbronn Germany, looking forward to some future in the cryptospace. Let's go on.

So after i explored Steemit for a few days, i was attracted by the good content and the many freethinking people around. It seems that cryptocurrencies are a big topic in this network, so i hope to evovle my trading skills and my knowledge all around the material.

I think there is a question, that should be answered. What i will bring to the steemit community?

Well, we will see. I will write about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, icos and some interested topics around. For me the blockchain is one of the biggest technical improvements this century and we all are part of this. I really love.

But that won't be all, as i said i like to write, so i will show you some of my poems and storys, maybe i will ask about your opinion about the first science fiction novel, i wrote last year. Would be awesome to hear some opinions.

To go on i think to talk about books im interested in, maybe presenting some book in every week. For me books are a real huge opportunity and i would like to share my fascination about the different topics i'm reading about with people, who are interested in.

But generally i feel free to write about everything. Nobody knows, what will happen tomorrow and for me everything is possible, so we will figure out in the future.

Okay, i hope i shaped myself a bit, maybe i will add some picture later, after i acclimated here. I think, as you see and to be honest, my english is not the best. For this reason i think i will write the mainpart of my posts in german, just to say.

I wish all of you some nice start into the week, i'm pretty sure you will read from me ;)

Stay Steemit ;)


Welcome to Steem @besteulz I have sent you a tip

Oh man, thats really sweet! But a nice welcome is more than enough ;)

Willkommen. Enjoy your start with steem.. ;)

Thank you, allready started with ;)

You are welcome to steemit! You will definitely enjoy it here!
Please feel free to check out @GLOBALFOODBOOK

Thanks man! I will check out, maybe you have some nice food tipp ;)

you are welcome. Yes I do have

i thought so, sadly i have to say most of the time i dont really care if im eating healthy or not, i think some day the revenge will come :D

lol.. Please try your best to eat healthy. Remember that health is wealth.

You are absolutely right. Will be a challenge, but its important.

Willkommen auf Steemit! Dir wird es hier gefallen, es ist eine tolle Seite. :)
Wenn du die deutsche Community kennenlernen willst schau mal im Chat vorbei: Steemit.chat/deutsch

Danke dir! Ja ich bin auch begeistert von der Page, mal sehen was da mit den Jahren noch alles gehen wird ;)

& vielen Dank für den Tipp, ich werde sicherlich mal vorbeischauen ;)

Entweder Steemit ist in ein paar Jahren zum Internetstandard geworden oder eine andere Plattform mit ähnlichem Konzept und besserem Marketing kommt daher. Denn das Konzept wird sich auf jeden Fall durchsetzen. ;)

Kann ich mir wirklich sehr gut vorstellen, da den eigentlichen Erbringern der Leistung nun endlich ein Teil des Kuchens zu Gute kommt. Ich hatte gelesen steemit hat die 500.000 User erreicht, ich denke die Millionen wird der nächste Sprung sein und danach wird es Step by Step verbreitet werden. Ich rühre auch fleißig die Werbetrommel im Freundeskreis ;)

Nice to have you on board! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

Thanks man! I followed you, let's see if you are as fascinated as me with the crypto ;)

Dann zuerst einmal ein dickes Hallo und willkommen bei Steemit. Lesen, schreiben, kommunizieren und interessiert sein. Was kann es (außer den ganz großen Gefühlen) Besseres geben?! Deinen Geschichten werde ich mich 100% zuwenden.

Hey wolframl und vielen Dank, dir auch ein dickes Hallo ;) Ich bin bereits ordentlich dabei, es scheint das Steemit Fieber hat mich bereits erwischt. Gerne würde ich deine Meinungen zu meinem Geschreibsel lesen, habe gesehen du hast auch schon angefangen. Super cool!!

Welcome to Steemit @besteulz :)

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