(note to self - how could you miss them??!)I also didn't know you where a vegan @samsmith1971! And didn't realize your monthly contests yet 😱 but thank you @consciouscat to mention it and giving me the opportunity to check it out better 😁
As I grew up in the country side, it is typical there that our grandmothers and grandfathers had farms, plants, trees and also animals in order to provide food. So I've always eated meat and everything. Growing up with animals always gave me a sense to treat them well and all animals held by my family had proper conditions, food and fresh and clean water, as well as free space outdoors. I know this may not seem very friendly as they still were being killed, but I was also thought that their purpose was to provide food and to be grateful for it and their sacrifice.
In the past 3 or 4 years I've seen some friends or family members go vegetarian or vegan, and I've been trying to reduce meat and introduce more vegetarian or vegan meals into my diet. I'm conscious about the farming industry, CO2 polution to the environment, and some of it's problems regarding animal well-being so I believe we as a world need to reduce our meat comsuption, at the very least.
My intentions, at least for now, are to continue to reduce meat comsuption to 2x/week. For those who still want to consume meat, as I believe it's unrealistic to think everyone will change to a plant-based diet, I think it's very important to ensure farming industry is regulated in a way it provides safety, well-being and health to all animals, and dignity in their death.
Maybe one day I'll feel diferently about meat and also follow a plant-based diet but I still think it will be necessary serious regulation of the farming industry and ensuring animals well-being throught their life spam 🤗.
I hope to add a different point of view to this matter but just wanted to clarify that I respect the choice to change to plant-based diets either for health purposes or animals right's defence! 😊
Kisses to all 😘
It's a very personal choice that only you can make. I respect your informed choices and your obvious love and respect for animals too❣️
!LUV ❣️
(1/4) gave you LUV.
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