Many of his articles were flagged by cheetah because they came from other websites, the #homesteading tag has lots of great, authentic homesteaders. This photo doesn't even look authentic to me.
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Many of his articles were flagged by cheetah because they came from other websites, the #homesteading tag has lots of great, authentic homesteaders. This photo doesn't even look authentic to me.
Thank you for your post. Anything of your concern has a link to the originating info at the end of the post. Please read more carefully before you condemn.
I do read very carefully. Intro to Growing Grape Vines has no link to the content you copied from someone else, as just one example. There are more examples where you did not give proper credit to the author.
Please stop this fraudulent practice of copying other people's work and you won't have to worry about being condemned by someone like me who DOES read carefully.