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RE: Hello, My Name Is...Singer, Banker, Homesteader, What?!?

It is nice to officially meet you. It sounds like your family has been in quite the adventure these last 5 years. What a great life story. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to many more great post to come


Thanks for the comment! It has been a crazy 5 years, but we're really enjoying settling in now. I just read your post about your bird boxes. Do you guys have an issue with mosquitoes? And did you see any difference with the birds in that regard? I mean less flies is definitely worth it, but less mosquitoes would be a huge bonus! I want to get bat boxes going since I know they eat tons of mosquitoes. I read that a single bat will take down 1000+ mosquitoes a night! Plus it's just cool to see them swooping around when we do a campfire. Anyway, looking forward to reading more of your posts as well! I love that you were able to avoid some vaccines for your herd. Way to think outside the box!

Yes the birds do help with mosquitoes as well. We do not have a ton here to begin with but it is a very rare thing to be bitten by one here on our farm