Introducing... DiaryOfAFreeSpirit :)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Hello fellow Steemians!

I'm Bristena and I'm super excited to join this emerging platform of writers and free thinkers.

It's been a month since Steemit was recommended to me, and this month has honestly been one of the best so far.

I have a feeling that getting involved with Steemit is going to change my life.

I have been contemplating the possibilities and oh, dear, I am in existential awe...

Of course, I'm not expecting an overnight success. I'm willing to put in a lot of work. I have had enough online "failures" which hopefully taught me that success comes with the right mixture of talent and perspiration, as the good old quote says.

In a most synchronistic fashion, Steemit came to me at a time in my life when I feel ready to start delivering my message to the wider world.

Writing is my greatest passion, my soul's highest calling. I've been writing short stories, poems, diaries, essays and random scribbles ever since I know myself.

(my 3-year-old self at my grandad's old-fashioned typewriter)

Writing was always there, as a life-saver at times of acute depression or as a sweet dessert after a copious romantic meal.

I like to view writing as my creative, therapeutical and spiritual practice. But, funnily enough, I never took it as a serious vocation until last year.


How did that happen? Well, I had to go through some interesting twists and turns to reach the point of remembering who I really am, deep down in my innermost essence (well, at least what I have discovered so far!)

My story, in a nutshell, goes like this:

4 years and a half ago I moved from my home country (Romania, Eastern Europe) to London, U.K. to pursue a law degree.

That didn't last very long. An illustrious student in my hometown, I DROPPED OUT of my prestigious university after one year, much to my family's embarrassment and disappointment.

They thought: "She lost her mind!", but I knew I gained my soul.

Ever since I've been on a roller-coaster journey of discovering who I am, what my purpose is and what life really is about.

I began exploring anything that had to do with higher consciousness, alternative therapies, mind reprogramming, psychedelics, personal development, mysticism, astrology, yoga and meditation, new paradigm etc.

I became obsessed with the idea of healing and transformation, and I jumped at every invitation that would potentially grow, expand or enrich me.

From a heavily repressed, shy and introvert child, I grew into a colourful, spontaneous, expressive young woman with a vision and a mission.

(a picture from my fairy days...)

My vision is that we can co-create heaven on earth by doing the necessary inner work to release the blocks standing in the way of a natural, free expression of the love in our hearts.

Yes, "I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..." I see this vision taking shape underneath our very eyes, as more and more people wake up to a deeper truth of their being.

A truth beyond ideas of separation, control, fear. A truth of an intelligent, unified web of life, held together by love's vibrational glue...

(hugging the Earth at the East Side Gallery - Berlin Wall)

My mission is to facilitate this collective consciousness shift by sharing my gifts and being my most authentic, loving and creative self.

"The wound is the place where light enters you" - said the famous Rumi. I couldn't agree more.

I've been through hell, I've had some of my deepest fears come true and not only have I survived, but I thrived and I saw a greater me emerging. Phoenix is cliche, but it is so true.

One of the greatest lessons so far has been that of self-love. Loving myself, as deeply and unconditionally as possible, has been extremely challenging at times, but so worth it.

Not only have I improved the quality of my life and my relationships with people, but I also feel so much love in my heart for life, God and the entire existence. I feel this on a daily basis now, save for the occasional triggers that point to my yet unresolved wounds, which I take time to sit with and find resolution for.

Some say I'm an old soul, for when they meet me, they see a wisdom beyond my years. Don't get me wrong - I'm young and prone to make mistakes! But I seem to possess a peculiar capacity to pick myself up, again and again, and keep going, no matter what.

Therefore I feel the strong calling to share my story with the world.

It's only been 5 years since I had my first "awakening", but it feels like I've already lived a few lifetimes ever since.

My dream is to become a digital nomad and travel the world freely, earning an income doing my writing online.

It's a big dream, but I'm tired of complacency and smallness - I'm here, in this body, during these thrilling times on planet Earth, and I'm going to put in the necessary work to make the most of my time.

And that's why I'm so excited about Steemit!!

I see this as the perfect place to practice and manifest my passion for writing, to share my daily insights and inspirations and hopefully have a positive impact in my community. And if that brings me some money, it would be an amazing bonus!

My main intention is to share pages from my "Diary of a Free Spirit", an account of my intense emotional life and spiritual evolution.

I began writing my first "book" at the end of last summer, initially called "Confessions of a Law Dropout". The title doesn't appeal to me anymore, so I changed it to reflect more of what I truly am.

I also feel called to revitalize my "21 Days Face Your Fear Challenge" by reposting its contents on Steemit.

In the summer of 2016, I interviewed 21 experts in personal development, who shared their wisdom on how to overcome our fears and embody our greater potential.


Lastly, I intend to regularly share my soul poetry.

In the last two years, I've written more than 80 poems. Some of them I've shared on Facebook, some of them I've kept to myself. Now is the time to bring them out into the open again.

It makes me so happy whenever someone really "gets" my poem, I wonder if you will too? Let me give you a taster, a poem that says a lot about me:

There is a magic inside me
A magic that grew in exponential stages
A magic I would often lose touch with,
Drowning in the abyss of the dark nights of my soul

This special feeling
Like a shimmering of light, of pure wonder at existence
Of gigantic, almost absurd trust in the workings of life
Has come back to me time and time again
Stronger, more vivid with each rebirth of my being
Phoenix is cliche but it is so true

Everything may fall apart
My ego could be shattered into a million pieces
I may lose face but never my hope
I may suffer from amnesia but I always remember
That this magic in me is alive and eternal
And there is forever love in my heart

With every poem I write
I whisper a prayer to the absolute
I make an offering to the divine
Acknowledging the impermanence of existence
I savour each moment like my last breath
And if I were to die today, I would be content
Because I've lived and loved and served
As fully as I ever could.

traveller on the river.jpg
(traveller on the river of life - photo taken on the Lembongan Island, Bali Feb 2017)

On a more practical note...

  • I am currently a self-employed massage therapist, working from home in London
  • I love dancing (especially ecstatic dances, 5rhythms, movement medicine, etc)
  • I love getting lost in various music styles (progressive, melodic, deep house, trance, psytrance, instrumental, live drumming)
  • I am qualified as an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner, modalities that helped me address some of my childhood wounds and embrace life more fully
  • I love nature, travelling, photography, synchronicities and soul encounters
  • I'm a big fan of RUMI
  • I love my morning practice - yoga, meditation and morning pages - gives me an inspired start in the day!
  • I am crazy, wild, sweet, deep, sparkly, curious, playful, sometimes innocent, other times naughty...
There are more things to say about me but I'll let you turn one page at a time in my book...

So, if you like what you've read so far,

if you're interested to find out how a law dropout turned into a transformational life coach, who turned into a massage therapist and writer,

if you're looking for inspiration for your mind&soul,

and if you're ready to face your fear and find out how, then you've come to the right place.

Follow me and let's see where this journey takes us. Let me be your reflection...


Thanks for taking the time to read a bit about me. You're AWESOME!

I would really appreciate any feedback, suggestions and ways in which I can make the most of my time and engagement on this platform.

Be you, be wild, be free!


There are 2 pages

@bristema94 we have so many things in common! I'm really looking forward to reading your posts and getting to know you more on here. Steemit thus far has truly been a game changer for me. I too have been looking for a medium to share my heart with the world, and this has certainly felt like IT (at least for now!).

I really enjoy your vibe and I'd really like to see you succeed! When I first got on here, I spent a lot of time researching what works. Then on December 1st I started to put those principles into action. This is what I have learned thus far:

  1. Focus 90% of your time on reading other's posts and leaving authentic, well thought comments. If you don't do this, your channel simply won't grow and your beautiful work will go unacknowledged. This probably won't be necessary forever, but until you have a decent following, this is important.
  2. Focus the rest of your time on creating the best possible content you can create. Obviously, when people come to your channel, you want to make them remember you. The best way to do that is by creating high quality posts all the time. Less is more. I usually do about 4-5 posts per week (unless I'm also participating in photo or writing challenges)
  3. This link includes everything you will ever need to know about this platform:

I hope that helps! I have followed you :) Wishing you the very best!

PS: I'd love to hear your thoughts about my recent post: Want To Get What You Don't Already Have? The Art Of Compersion Will Get You There!

Hello @axios, wow, this is such a lovely comment.. made my heart smile :) I can't believe how friendly so many people are on here. This social experiment is truly encouraging the best out of people. I'm loving it so far! I hope I won't get overwhelmed, so I will take one step at a time, absorbing everything like the sponge that I am!

I'm so excited that you resonate with my words, and thank you for the enthusiasm.. I am sure you will like my articles. I will indeed focus on creating excellent content, I am a perfectionist so I either do a proper job or don't do nothing at all! Haha. And yes, joining communities and actively participating on people's blogs, especially those I resonate with! I will check your article and leave a comment for sure.

Exciting times, youhuu! Looovely to connect with you. Best wishes my friend!

WOoO! Truly is :) I just saw your comment and responded there. Cheers!

@axios those are beautiful and useful advice. Welcome @bristena94 it won't be an easy climb but it will be worth it

Great to have you with us! Looking forward to lots of magical posts 🌠

So great to be here! Looking forward to sharing my magic :)

Hey! Welcome to Steemit! I loved you introduction post, will be following you for sure! I identify a lot with you, althought we have so diferent stories. My hole life poeple would come to me and say that I am a free spirit, just because I always did what my heart told me to. Of couse some time I would be in an ego trap (it takes time to notice that right?) but most of it I did with my whole heart. A few years ago I met an Universal Xamanic Temple and lived there for a while, and in that point I started to understand the true magic of loving the life in all aspects. Really glad that you are here, always nice to connect with people that choose to follow the path of the heart. Cheers!!!

awww @fireguardian, thank you for your beautiful energy and comment. I'm happy as well to meet more kindred free spirits. Soul family indeed! Yes.. incredible things happen when we surrender to what life brings, lovingly and unconditionally. I'm checking you out as well, let's stay in touch!

I look forward to your next post! :)))

Welcome to Steemit!

You'll do well here if you put the work in and provide original content.

I would suggest that if you are going to post older content here, make sure you link to the original content and note somewhere you are the author.

There are some bots here that search and destroy plagiarists.

Good luck! Looking forward to some good reads!

Thanks so much for the suggestion, @chieppa1 ! Looking forward to seeing how this will grow and evolve. Hope all is going great with you too on Steemit!

It has been great for me. I do a podcast, and this platform has expanded my listener base and brought in some money. Really helped in my everyday life (paying off my car for example).

Good luck again!

Awesome, what's your podcast about? Send me a link x
P.S. I feel a bit overwhelmed with the amount of new information and the number of people I wish to connect with.. how is that for you? any advice on how to stay "afloat"? Or is it just me at the beginning now, and slowly everything will make more sense.. haha :)

My podcast is about geo-politics and war. Not the most positive topics, but as an American I think it's important to understand what is going on in the world and what crimes my government is committing.

I was overwhelmed at first. Initially I had a ton of comments. That didn't continue. Once you find your place here (a couple tags you'll post under), the discussions and community starts to grow for you.

Steemit has something for everyone, but the key here is to stick to what you know, write consistently & put the work in. It's almost more important to read others and comment, as interaction here is the only way to gain followers and really make it worth your time.

My podcast is available on ITunes and I post all my episodes here. If listening is not your thing (It's not the most professional podcast, but practice makes perfect!), I do a write up summarizing what each one is about, complete with a ton of links to my sources.

Here is a link to my recent post:

thanks for sharing, honestly that's not a topic I would necessarily want to delve deeper into, but I appreciate your advice and input :) wish you all the best with your projects and your evolution on steemit!

Thanks, you too!

You certainly deserve an upvote. Your introduction is intriguing

Thanks @aboy ! What is intriguing about it? :)

Interesting introduction @bristena, I can relate to your spiritual transformation, welcome to steemit!!! =)

thank you, I'm glad you can relate... we're not alone in our struggles and successes I believe :)

Probably not alone @bristena94, feels like there is a lot of like minded people here on steemit I believe! And I do feel quite "hallelujah" about steemit...But it is social-media and I am a bit skeptical towards social-media...

Yes, I'm feeling the like-mindedness already.. even just after one post! It feels incredible, but surely, like every new thing, it's good to take it with a pinch of salt.. no expectations, no disappointments :) I heard good things about it and I see its potential for the future.

Such am amazing introductory post. You write so well, very open and honest. I wish you success... Steemit is a Great platform. I assure you that the rewards will be sure. Welcome once again!

Hey @doctorvee, thanks so much for the warm welcome. With people like you, I'm sure the community can achieve massive success. Is it really so good, maybe too good to be true? I'll find out soon, I guess.. hahaha! Best wishes, my friend!

Good to meet you.
I just finished my introduce yourself post and ended "In a nutshell".
I pop back over to read and yours is the 1st post I click on.
The muses, ay.
I had to follow you.
Its not posted yet. Im gonna come back after bit and read it over once with fresh eyes before I splatter it out there. But, your post made me smile.

Hey @brandylynne, thanks for your comment, I'm looking forward to reading your introduceyourself post as well, send me a link when it's finished x I like to call these moments "magical" because spirit sends us the right people, signs and resources that we need to be inspired&motivated by and take the next big step in our evolution :)

Oh, thanks.

You can get to anybody's blogs, comments or replies, even wallets by clicking on their names.

Cool, thanks! Will read x

Glad to meet you. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts.

Thanks, I really appreciate your connection @cecicastor!

Welcome! Nice writing. All best.

Thank you @jazzresin! All the best to you too!

Welcome lovely, it's so great to see you here and looking forward to your next post!

Hello beautiful fairy! Thanks for your support. Looking forward to hearing more from you as well x

Welcome aboard and stay beautiful!

thanks @angel35mm! I will stay with the inner beauty that never fades, indeed.. :)

Good luck in your life journey and here on Steemit. You should be proud of yourself for breaking the chains so early!

Thanks @kyusho! I am proud, but at the same time aware that pride is another chain.. hehe.. :) best wishes my friend!

Pride can indeed be a chain especially when sought too aggressively, but without it there is little chance of enjoyment of growth.

mmm.. indeed.. it's good to have a healthy sense of ego!

Wowzers, what a lovely introduction, Think I will follow for some sunshine in my feed.

Thank you for such a detailed post.

Upvoted and resteemed

Aww @moonunit, thanks so much.. I thought that it might have actually been too lengthy, so I appreciate that you took the time and really felt it. I'm glad my light touched you, and thanks for resteeming. Find the sunshine within as well, it's always there, behind clouds of sometimes heavy thoughts :)

i can just tell you are going to continue to have a LOvley time here!

you might want to check out this week's ecoTrain magazine which has a couple of great posts and advice for minnows.

Love and Light <3

hello @eco-alex, thanks for the link share, I'm having a read through right now! it's such a funny words, minnow.. hahaha! I'm looking forward to looovely times here.. youhuu!!

Wow! What a fabulous introduction. Mind blowing. A huge warm welcome to this mind blowing social experiment (that’s how I see it)

Look forward to your content.


AKA the socialexperimentalist (Youtube)

Hello @dannyshine, thanks so much for the warm reception, means so much to me! I'm glad you like my introduction, I'm sure you will enjoy my upcoming articles.. many blessings to you too.

wow you your article is very well thought out. and crazy that you are so open about everything. the photo of the young you at the typewriter tells it all :D

hello @exploreand thank you, yeah, I love my craziness, although it scares some people off sometimes.. hehe.. but I woudn't have it any other way.. and yes, that is a picture that tells a thousand words.. thanks for reaching out and wish you all the best!

welcome @bristena94 to steemit, loved your intro and I am really looking forward to seeing what you bring to this great platform. 21 Days Face Your Fear Challenge sounds great. Following you and resteemed.

hello @trucklife-family, thanks so much for your comment and resteem, I'm so excited to repost the FYF Challenge, so get ready for some really good tips on becoming a freer, fearless you :)

You've made me smile. What gorgeous enthusiasm for life. How lovely to read such uplifting words. Thankyou for posting.

Hello @shivvi, ahh, thanks a lot! my pleasure to share, to express what moves me :) I hope you will come back and read more of my posts :)

Hi.. Nice to meet you at steemit.. I will upvote you..
Follow me @alfiadi

hi nice to meet you too! thank you :)

Welcome to steemit! Shine and light xx

Thank you..! Love and light to you too xx

Wow, sounds like an exciting journey you have been on over the last years! Since I am very interested in meditation, yoga, natural healing and self-development, I am eager to read your future posts :)

I will also start a life on the road in just two weeks and apart from my passion for raw food, I'm looking forward to sharing some travel adventures on Steemit.

What is your first travel destination? I wish you all the best for your new life as digital nomad!

hey @rawadventuress, I'm so excited to meet like-minded people here, thanks for taking the time to read my introduction! wow, life on the road... a big leap into the unknown, I wish you many incredible adventures and opportunities for expansion and self-realisation.. where are you travelling next? My first travel destination is Australia.. hehe.. I have someone special waiting for me there.. if you know what I mean :) I'm not a digital nomad yet, but this is my intention for the future.. at the moment my work still ties me to one place, but not for too long! I am all about freedom! Let's stay connected x I'll follow you :)

Thank you so much, Bristena! Aww, Australia - what a treasure. I was traveling up the East coast some years back and fell in love with the nature there. Have an amazing time!

I am excited to see your dream becoming reality ;) I am also in no position to call myself a digital nomad yet, but just made the first step of quitting my job, selling everything (probably the hardest two steps for many) and getting out into the world soon . Followed back!

Awesome! I am so looking forward to exploring the wild nature of Australia myself!
Wish you all the best in creating the lifestyle that you dream of as well. Well done for your courage of leaving the old behind and embarking on new adventures. Many warm blessings!

Hey @bristena94. Welcome on board. I'm really looking forward to your posts. I'm also an EFT/Matrix practitioner and have been posting on here for about a month. It's a great place to be.

Next week, I will be holding a free group tapping session exclusively for Steemit members, as I've been massively impressed with the potential here. It will be about clearing limiting beliefs and creating more of what they want in life. It'd be great if you'd join us. Have fun! Sam

Hello @eftnow, I'm so happy to meet another EFT practitioner here! I actually noticed your name on steemitchat the other day, hehe, it caught my eye.

Your group tapping session sounds excellent, please link me up and I'll see if I can make it! Is it like a one-off online event or how does it work?

Thanks for connecting and we'll surely hear from each other again soon x

nice post. upvote back me. thanks

thanks, but I won't upvote someone just because they upvoted me, sorry. I will upvote content that I truly resonate with and I encourage you to do the same if you want to have genuine success here :)

Welcome, @bristena94! Souls recognize each other by vibes, not by appearances... I really like your words and spirit! All the best...

hey @pantareis, thank you so much! Namaste indeed.. hehe :) you made me curious to read some of your stuff ;)

bine ai venit acasa! we know each other from the tree of life festival. small world indeed. welcome on steemit! is a GREAT place!

and the usual welcome message - upvote, comment and resteem :)

hey! thanks a lot! I'm not sure I remember you, can you tell me more about how we met at the festival? :)

samosa connection? :)

Great to have you on board. I think when we turn our backs on what society wants us to do and we get on our paths thats when the magic starts to happen. It takes courage to do that and you are going against what everyone else would 'like' you to do but its worth it. Three years ago I set the intention of becoming a digital nomad and Im doing it, I have no doubt with your creative talent you will do too, especially now with this wonderful platform! Good luck and I look forward to hearing more :)

Oh hello! Thanks a lot! Yes, following the trail of our excitement into the wilderness of life, not knowing where it takes us, but trusting the impulse and that we are being supported by a force greater than us. I', happy you have achieved your intention and you're living your dream, I am surely to catch up quickly! Look forward to hearing more from you too x

Heres to digital that even a word?! ;)

haha.. I like it.. if there isn't such a word, I'm sure we can create one.. words create worlds ;)

Excellent Pictures/Post!
Welcome to Steemit! Nice to meet you. :-)

Upvoted and followed!

I hope you have lots of fun here and make many friends! :-)
Thank you for sharing! :-)


thanks so much!nice to meet you too!

Welcome bristena94! Have a great time here on steemit!

thanks! I hope you have a great time too!

Wow nice one , welcome to steemit .u really poured out ur heart here.i like ur fairy picture very nice, lets work together and steemit real hot ...

hi @kelgreen, thanks so much.. it's what I do.. try to pour all my heart into everything I do.. I'll check you out x

Wow, this is amazing post

Congratulations @bristena94!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 5 with 81 comments

Welcome to Steemit @bristena94! It's so nice to see others with a spiritual inclination joining this community, and what a marvelous intro!

I hope this turns out to be as much of a life-changing experience as you are hoping for; if you just set your intent, I am sure it can become just that.

Bright Blessings!

hello @whitelightxpress thank you for your warm wishes, I'm happy to connect with like-minded spirits here and you are another one of them :) I have no doubt that where there is a will, there is a way. the way reveals itself the more we show up and do the work we feel guided to do! blessings to you too!

Welcome to the steemit community :)

Really great introduction! I love that spiritual evolution, in fact I would like to borrow it lol 🤣 since I'm evolving spiritually as well. I can't go back anymore now thag I wake up everyday feeling so light and free! Looking forward to reading more of your journey!

hello @eddieboo, hehe, you can't borrow mine, but I assure you yours is gonna be even cooler than mine ;) I know what you mean, once you make a radical shift in perception, you can't go back to the old ways. have fun on your journey! thanks for connecting x

Very well said! Good luck on your journey as well bristena! You're welcome!

good luck on your journey as well!

That's one of the most delightful #introduceyourself posts I have read so far, both full of detail and life and yet concise and up to the point. It might be the case of likeminded people attracting each other, but during my short time here I see a lot of people who realize the importance of self-love and constant self-improvement and it makes my heart swell up with happiness as it is often hard concepts to explain to people especially in the society so concentrated on participating in a rat race and worried about social status and what is considered "successful", while we go from one miserable experience to the next, not realizing that there is no such thing as happiness attained by some ephemeral future goal, but rather happiness is a way to live, the goal and activity in itself. I resonated with a lot of things you talked about and I wish you nothing but the best on here and I am sure our paths will cross ways many a time in the future. Much love, Bristena!

Hello @deeptechhouse, thank you for your lovely and thoughtful comment, I appreciate it when someone really takes the time to expand on the points that I raised. That says a lot about you! Steemit brings the best out of people, doesn't it? Hehe.

yes, yes, yes! Happiness is an inside job. Has nothing to do with the crap that has been crammed down our throats since we were kids.

I wish you all the best too, and let's stay connected. Your vibe attracts your tribe! Much love back!

Steemit brings the best out of people, doesn't it?

It really does seem to, I just reflected on it in a very recent comment. They call it experiment and it definitely is working very favourably so far.

yay! exciting times! may I ask... since I see you using this vertical line for indented grey paragraph, how do you do it? I want to learn how to do it as well. thanks!

Check out Markdown syntax (which is what steemit text editors use), it is pretty intuitive and lets you format text in all kinds of useful ways:

Its nice to meet you Bristena! My name is Niki. I resonated with so much of what you said in your post and I feel like we have a lot in common! I also consider myself a free spirit :) It is individuals like you that I am hoping to connect with through Steemit. I am excited to see what your future posts hold! I just joined the community as well so I only have a few posts but if you'd like you can check out my page!

nice to meet you too @earthgoddess, I like your name haha! I'm happy you resonate and that free spirits meet on this amazing platform. I am checking out your page now x

upvoted! A digital nomad life sounds amazing, its our dream too to create content about our passion and maybe one day making a living out of it. :)

thanks a lot! yes! I cannot imagine any other way now, apart from making a living out of doing what I love. New paradigm baby :)

Hi there, I look forward to reading more of your poems. I have been awake for years, but had my real awakening this year. It is nice to connect to other Old Souls on here. I also write poetry about my journey. Welcome to Steemit :)!

hello @sovereignpoet, I'm looking forward to reading your poems too! Awakening is a big word, I like to think there have been a few awakening moments for me, when my universe expanded and I experienced another fractal of awareness and depth of existence and wisdom, but hey.. every morning is another "awakening" hehe, isn't it? Let us not box ourselves in concepts, although our mind is very keen to do so.. or we can do that, but know that we are infinitely more than that.. organic, free unfolding.. never-ending journey of expansion, growth and learning.. wish you all the best, my friend, another old soul :) let's be in touch x

Hello @bristena94, welcome to Steemit!

I'm very looking forward to your articles, as we seem to like the similar topics.

I'm especially curious about what you have to say about self-love, as I could kinda use some lessons about it - I was shy and introverted, and remained shy and introverted, lol. The "21 Days Face Your Fear Challenge" sound like fun and useful, too.

Cheers, I've followed you! : )

P.S. Your picture from your fairy days is awesome.

P.S.2. I love dancing too, I'm into the Argentinian tango, I'm dancing it almost every day now.

Hello @lifenbeauty, thanks for your lovely comment and for following me, I really appreciate it! Hehe, I never danced tango, I'm more into contemporary freestyle dance.. but always open to explore the whole spectrum of possibilities hehe :) yes, self-love is the key to enlightenment, some say.. it's a lot to say about it now, and I cannot do it justice in a few sentencens, if I manage to coonvey even a tiny fraction of the essence of it through the lens of my own experience and the medium of writing, I will be happy, and if you will resonate and it will give you food for thought, I will be infinitely more happy.. and hope you will gain some insights from FYF Challenge as well.. stay in touch! Cheers :)

Welcome! Nice to see another Londoner on Steemit :) I absolutely resonated with your post, it is amazing to witness and be a part of this global awakening. And so great to have so many fellow conscious people here on Steemit!

Whereabouts in London are you? There may be a London steemit meet up coming up (I've been to two and I've just loved meeting steemians in real life), will keep you posted if it works out :)

Hello @redrica, nice to hear from you! I'm based in Bromley, Kent. Just a 30 min train from Victoria. I'm pleased to meet another Londoner on steemit, I was actually wondering if there exists such a thing as steemit meetup here. Please do indeed keep me posted, I would love to attend and connect in real life with people on here, to find ways to support and inspire one another. Best wishes!

Ah cool! There are quite a few in London, as I'm sure you'll come to find!

Yes will let you know if a meet up plan gets confirmed :)

thanks a lot, do keep me posted!

hello hello friend is a pleasure to welcome you to the steemit community. It is never too late to start new financial alternatives. I wish you the best. Do not forget to follow me. I invite you to read my post. I would like to share with friends and family. please vote and reward also comment. Together we can help each other

thanks friend, wish you all the best too! indeed better late than never!

Do not forget to follow me. I invite you to read my post. I would like to share with friends and family. please vote and reward also comment

Welcome :)
May the force be with you <3
"Live Long and Prosper"- Captain Spock

hello @faustus76, may the force be with you too! I believe it already is, for it has brought us onto steemit :)

Hii Bristena, I loved reading your story =] I too am on a journey to discover higher consciousness and I admire your passion and spirit! Keep up the good writing, I look forward to reading all of your other posts! =]


hello @anthonycruddas, thanks so much! Pleased to meet another consciousness explorer :)

Lovely to meet you!

Thanks for your reply :D

I will check it out right now =]

thank you! :) x

Hi! I’m super happy you joined Steemit! I’m brand new to Steemit and it’s wonderful to see other Steemian’s join the community. Keep posting. I’d love to see more ☺
Be sure to follow my account @zoewilliamson
Best of luck to you!

hello @zoewilliamson, nice to meet you dear! I'm checking you out, best of luck to you too!

It shows that you are a very creative and artistic girl, I will love to follow you for Steemit.

yay thank you so much!

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