New on Steemit: Girl traveling the world solo. Hi all!

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)

verified enough? :)

My last week, a little recap:

  • Travelfriend: “Just finished reading your blog, is it on Steemit?”
  • Old classmate (on social media): “I quit my job and let Steemit do the rest.”
  • Cousin: “Look at this article, found it on Steemit."
  • Soulmate: “Get your f%$# ass on Steemit. Really, if anyone, you should be on it. I’ll keep stalking you until you do what I say.”

So, Steemit huh? I felt like a little child that just heard the exciting word “sex” for the first time and out of nowhere it seems to be all over the place. Collapsed under peer pressure I found myself reading into it… A blockchain (a what?) operating in terms of steempower (eh?) which can be converted into bitcoins (say that again?). As a self-chosen vagabond non-stop wandering the ‘real world’ (you know, that thing called Earth) for the past two years this whole digital world wide web development bulldozered on without me even noticing. It seemed too good to be true. But then again, so did quitting my entire brain-numbing civilized existence to trade it for a life full of worldwide adventure…

Wait, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself.


Most children want to be a fireman, a doctor or a princess when they grow up. I didn't. I told my mother I was going to be a captain on my very own ship and see every country in the world.


Approximately 26 years later I can confirm my nautical skills didn't develop at the same speed as my desire to travel. However, I did spend every single holiday (or several-months-sabbaticals) making 'the Earth my throne', as my heroes from Metallica shout it out. I grew up in the Netherlands, but created opportunities to live in France, Italy, Australia, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and right now Argentina. I visited 46 countries.


I learned 7 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Latin and of course Dutch... ancient Greek doesn't count right? I graduated as a BSc and MSc Leisure Studies (specialized in tourism and city marketing) at the Tilburg University and worked fulltime in the touristic sector for several years, as I felt that was the closest I could get to be full-time involved with travelling (wrong!). Once I realized this treadmill of the so called 'civilized life' has very little to do with life at all, I gave notice to my job and apartment, sold everything, quit my relationship and left my entire life in Holland behind and booked a 1-way ticket to explore South-America all alone: No plans, just let come what(ever) may. That's 2 years ago now, and I'm still on the road. In short, I can fairly say traveling not just enriches my life, but IS my life.


¨I wish I could have a life like that, if I only had the money...¨ Well if I get a dollar (peso, real, boliviano...) for every time someone told me that, I WOULD have had an endless travel budget. Reality-check: Na-ah. And still, I can travel, easily... endless maybe. Before you ask me how, I have some questions for you: Do you have a house... or apartment (rental, with a mortgage or bought)? Is there furniture in there, or something as fancy as 'decoration'? Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a computer, laptop or both? Do you have a car or any other mode of transport besides your feet and thumb? Do you have a child? If you answered 'yes' on one of these questions, you DO have money to travel around the world, you just decided to spend it differently.

Also, if you think travelling means checking into hotels, grabbing your travel guide and book some tours, you might be mistaken by that thing called "a holiday". I don't have a house or a country, the world is my home. My material possessions are those 15kg in my backpack. I sleep on couches, in hammocks, on floors, on air mattresses and luckily sometimes in beds in local people's houses via the networks of Couchsurfing and WorkAway. I don't book tours, I figure out how to go somewhere by public transport or simply hitch-hike there myself. I don't expect hot showers. I don't even count on running water anymore. I got used to washing myself standing in a plastic tub, using rain water... and what a great ecological practice that is! I don't spend a fortune on food. As traveling showed me the beauty of our planet's animals I decided to stop eating them (you know, I don't eat my cat either) and veggies are pretty damn cheap. Sometimes I get my nutrition in exchange for my volunteer work in local communities, sometimes I pay 50 cents for local street food... which means I sometimes eat the same twice a day for weeks in a row, and yes, sometimes my stomach makes a somersault. And that's oke. I'm an adult person, I choose to live like this and deal with these 'inconveniences' that are (better than) normal life for many people I met along this journey. It paid off more than money ever could. If there's less material distractions or a blinding comfort zone there's more room to grow like a person (/society/humanity) and discover life in its true colors, while revealing the opportunities to change what you don't like about it.


This is life and what I decided to make of it. It contains no million-dollar careers, no monthly paychecks, no ongoing consumption of material goods and no stability. It contains everything else the Earth has to offer.

Until we meet.


Follow my journey on or maybe give me an upvote if you want to support my travels (screw money, steempower is the new black) and show me Steemit is not a skeptical fairytale...

There are 3 pages

HOLY COW Girl! You are like my new hero!
I want to do what you are doing! But I had no idea how to get started!

Not only is your writing super fun to read, But I learned a lot from you.
It looks like I need to start selling my crap!!

I'm not afraid to sleep on floors, and air mattresses Etc. I just want to get out there. But I wasn't sure where to get started. I'm 23 and haven't left the U.S. yet sadly!

Thank you for this article, You seriously inspire me! and I feel so motivated now.
If I could upvote 10 times I would haha.
I can't wait to read your other stuff!

Haha, thanks so much for the kind words, you really know how to make a girl feel good. I really hope you will take the step to follow your heart. It might seem scary at first, but something you won't regret one single second.

Awesome introduction! Welcome to Steemit!
You should take some of the free stickers I made and am sending to steemit users for free - with you to on travels! I can also send you more so you can put them on more of the photos you are taking :)
Check out how to get them:

Thank you! I defiantly will!

are you relatives, guys?

If you want to be somebody, somebody really special, be yourself!

dont just do the talk . do the work, you cn achieve that to.even greater

Well, as you see the pictures have me on it... have a look on my website if you want to see where I went :) I do the work first and then write about it, that's usually how it works haha. I'm a freelance writer and publish on many websites without my face next to it, so you can read those if it distracts ;)

you have the same calligraphy of the girl.

Have you considered being an au pair? You can live in a foreign country with all expenses paid for pretty minimal work. My family even paid for my language classes!

Yes I did consider it! Might be a good idea for some adventure in the future, thanks for thinking along ;) How did you experience it? Seems like you have some pretty damn good memories

I loved it! I had to get going with grad school, but I was tempted to do another year in a different country so I could learn another language. You just have to be careful with choosing a family. (This was really in response to @kaylinart since she said she didn't know where to start! I didn't either, and being an au pair was such an easy transition into a new country.)

Thanks for your advice!

10 times???

Cool pics!

happy steeming!!

Haha thanks a lot. You have a metal-version of that one? :p

Upvote done .. welcome to steemit

Haha that one made me laugh out loud. Thanks heaps!

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NOTE: I cannot tell if you are the author, so ensure you have proper verification in your post (or in a reply to me), for humans to check!

Hi there friendly robot! I AM the owner of the website, I just updated my about page with a link to this post!

Love this! I lived out of a backpack for a year, and my husband and I have been nomads for the last 2. We currently are shifting out of the nomadic life, so looking forward to seeing more of your posts! You're perfect for this platform!

Can I read something about your adventures too somewhere? Seems interesting!

Around the world in 80 Days...

Cool! Thanks for that

Is cool. Deserves an upvote maybe?

you're welcome )))

Congrats on your first post being a big hit! Now if you don't need to cash out of the 3900 Steem Dollars right away, you can show the community some love and earn crazy interest by turning some of that into Steem Power. Looking forward to your next post about your reaction to this big win!

Having a lot of steempower as well right now, which seems awesome as having some share in this company. Defenitely becoming active here!

Don't go to Saudi Arabia...

Why, every country must have some rough beauty

Sure. But some countries are rough with beauties.

Hot girl + travel + linguist = $10-30k a month. Enjoy a very comfortable life.


Thanks for the compliments! If you like and can't wait for my next post go to and enjoy some more photos and lots of stories too :)

Looks like you have a great life :)
Im still amazed you have learned 7 languages,wow that was a lot of hard work im sure...
You are a great person,keep traveling until you get bored ( i doubt it ) haha :D

You are following the Starter Pack nicely! hahaha i only intend to joke around.

Hey and welcome! Could you be so kind and post proof that the girl in those pics is the same girl who wrote this? :) Verifying your account when doing an introduction post is essential for both writers and readers. Many fakers around nowadays who post other peoples pictures pretending to be them for a quick profit.


Yes, I'll make one right now and upload it :) No worries, just being me

Just posted verification photo

@budgetbucketlist You're living my dream. Wish I could do the same!

I have great news: you can!

Hey , Amazing to see where you have gone , will love to see where you go next

Thanks Azaan! I just arrived back in Argentina for some new adventures :) I'll keep on posting

Hello, I live in Argentina too. Maybe we can hangout. I am in the south though.

Awesome. I'm in Buenos Aires now but planning on visiting Patagonia in a few months... let me know if you head up north! We can drink some Argentinean wines and Fernets and talk about steemit ;)

Welcome to Steemit! Here we print money for you.

you are an inspiration. I need to grow some balls and go do the same thing. How do you fund your travels? :)

Now Steemit apparently haha. Well usually I got some work gig for a few months, fill my pockets and leave again. I also write SEO-texts for other travel blogs and they pay me per text.

No titties, no upvote.

Steem is the #tittietainment platform. Do your job well!

Well, that's great, I have some.

How do you manage to have a cat

My dad has him now, so you could say we broke up. I had one back home in Holland but travelling with a cat isn't that convenient unfortunately. I do have skype contact every now and then hahaha, that's how much I miss the little bastard. His name is Kartoffel and he's the most arrogant creature Earth has known.

amazing !!

Thank you, I'll post some more stuff this week :)

can't wait..
i following your account.. :)

Very good post, the steemit this changing people's way of thinking, the steemit showed that a healthier life with the business is possible, most people have formatted mind of a daily life in an endless sameness cycle, we are changing the way of thinking, and I believe that in the near future it will become examples for many companies.

True that! I was skeptical about this too, it just seemed to good to be true... but this awesome community is proofing all the contrary right now. I want to be a part of this!

nice to meet you 8]welcome @budgetbucketlist to steemit !




It's serious?
You forgot #Brazil? Why? You do not want to know? Visit?

What makes you think I forgot Brazil? I was there this month actually, awesome country with beautiful people.

Thats great! I want to travel the world too!i know i will one day...

One day is somewhere this month? ;)

Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising

You're doing good, very good. Would love to read more.

Thanks for saying that, I should save that meme haha. Well as said I went to 46 countries so far and I'm addicted to writing, so I have big amount of stories to share! It's great to have discovered this platform and be able to interact with people with the same interests. I hope I get to meet many of them on my future travels, good vibes.

Hi Stephanie,

herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Deiner Entscheidung Deinen Traum mit aller Konsequenz zu leben!
"Einmal, oh Baby werden wir alt sein, und dann werden wir die Dinge bereuen, die wir NICHT getan haben"


Haha danke sehr! Ich bin ganz einverstanden mit du, damit ich mein Leben auf diese Weise führe. Woher kommst du genau? Ich war vor einigen Monaten in Frankfurt am Main, ich vermisse die Apfelwein.

Das glaube ich dir gern. Freiheit ist das wertvollste Gut welches wir Menschen haben. Diese Freiheit lebt und erlebt man in ihrer vollen Dimension nur auf Reisen.
Apfelwein ist wirklich lecker, aber sicher hat jede Region Ihre Spezialitäten.
Ich wohne in Deutschland in Sachsen. Vor kurzem war ich mit meiner Familie mit dem Hausboot in den Niederlanden, in Friesland mit einem Hausboot unterwegs. Im August verbringe ich Urlaub in Italien. Eine Woche Festland, Toskana und eine Woche auf dem Segelboot in der nördlichen Adria.

Wo bist Du zur Zeit unterwegs und was sind Deine Pläne?


Ich bin jetzt in Argentinien und meine viele Pläne gehen oder so . Doch insgesamt plane ich wenig , ich lasse alle Ereignisse mich überraschen. Du machst auch schöne Reisen, sehe ich! Ich studierte in Italien für 6 Monate (Erasmus) , dann ist es eines meiner Lieblingsländer in Europa . Viel Spaß mit all den Reisen und lasst mich wissen, wenn du hier kommst...
Wenn du wollst: ich habe viele Familieden in die Niederlanden wie dich zweifellos erhalten möchten!

Hi Stephanie,

vielen Dank für das Angebot. Wenn es zeitlich passt, komme ich gern darauf zurück ;-)

ich wünsche dir viel Spaß und Freude auf deiner Reise!

They are right that travel. Later may be too late. Beautiful table of the evolution from child to Mature woman.

Exactly, don't wait around for your pension when your body can't take you up that mountain anymore you dreamed of climbing all your life.

Hello ! Means life and travel ! Congratulatíos !

Woot woot! Join the lifestyle!

When I grow up, I wanna be like you.
If you ever decide to visit Albania, know that you have a place to stay. Keep it up.

Wow, Albania! The name already sound kind of mystical... definitely on my (budget) bucket list!

To motivate you more, Albania is next to Greece :P Can't wait to hear about all your adventures.

Went to Greece 4 times already, amazing country! Will for sure head back there...

You're living a life most people only dream about. Congratulations for your courage and bravery to find your own direction.

I traveled the world for years, lived in some of the most beautiful places on earth and now I get to enjoy life in paradise on Maui.

That sounds like a dream. Is there any place online where I can follow your travels? Seems like you're a great inspiration.

Looking forward to more of your posts!

Stay tuned, they will come very soon!

HAHA chteetah doing an awesome job!
by the way if do like to see notifications instead of refreshing every minute or fancy to follow someone notifications bot can be found here

Ah that's helpful!! Graciasss

"¨I wish I could have a life like that, if I only had the money...¨ Well if I get a dollar (peso, real, boliviano...) for every time someone told me that, I WOULD have had an endless travel budget. Reality-check: Na-ah. And still, I can travel, easily... endless maybe. Before you ask me how, I have some questions for you: Do you have a house... or apartment (rental, with a mortgage or bought)? Is there furniture in there, or something as fancy as 'decoration'? Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a computer, laptop or both? Do you have a car or any other mode of transport besides your feet and thumb? Do you have a child? If you answered 'yes' on one of these questions, you DO have money to travel around the world, you just decided to spend it differently."


:p Where did life bring you, I'm curious

For now, home to Paducah, KY. I've had my fair share of traveling through the years. I still plan to travel more, maybe even as freely as you do :) I have been all over the US, Japan, Okinawa, Korea, Mexico. Now I just need some more sunny island locations next. Good luck in your travels :P

Come visit me in Argentina! Thats where I'm at right now

I LOVED your story. You are exactly the type of person I aspire to be more like. I want my true sense of freedom and you just CAN'T get that from working 9-5's and sitting in offices or being forced to do certain tasks at a certain pay rate. You've got things figured out, as you made a way where others would say there is none. I really liked when you referred to even showers as amenities and came to appreciate them, but realized that in your travels, things like that won't always be readily available, so you've adapted. I think the most inspiring part of your story is exactly that. Your ability to adapt in such a way that you value the world from a different perspective. I will keep up with your stories as I fully support the lifestyle you're living and continuing to pursue and that is my wish as well. My one true fear in life is being stuck. Stuck in one spot, stuck in one situation, just stuck. I like change and there's too much of this world I haven't seen or experienced to just stay idle.
Thanks for the great story and hope to hear more from you! Stay brilliant, as that's surely what you are. :)

Thanks for the magnificent comment, it's satisfying to read that there are people out there that really get me. You should have heard all those people when I informed them about my plans to leave haha. "So you are throwing away your life right now, when are you going to start with the REAL LIFE Stephanie?" Haha, the moment my plane took off!

If I had just a PENNY for every time I got told my life choices were stupid or that I was "throwing away my life" by making MY own decisions with my life and not following the path of another.. I TOO could vacation the world, but without a single financial worry! :P You just keep doing your thing and I'm proud that you took control of your future and didn't let people decide it for you, more people need to be like that in my opinion. We need more free-thinkers who refuse to be tied down due to what society is in belief of. We are so much more than society wants us to be and those of us who break the mould are truly the most beautiful and unique! Probably happier too! ;) I doubt any of those people sitting in cubicles working a 9 to 5 day in and day out, one day off a week, not being able to vacation but MAYBE one or two weeks a YEAR, are NEARLY as happy as you are, yet are the same people to attempt to put your life decisions down! lol. Funny how life has a way of treating those who take hold of it well, and how those who just "go with the flow" or "look for stability" tend to be a lot less happy than those willing to take chances and risks and go with their heart as well as their head.

Keep doing you and keep your dream alive! I look forward to seeing pictures of your future endeavors, as I'm sure you'll be posting more. Also, I'm sure you probably don't, but don't let the "just another girl who likes to travel" bullsh*t get to you in any way. As far as I'm concerned, the more people period we have enjoying life and travelling and being able to sustain that.. The happier of a world we begin to live in period.

DAMN! I envy you... wish could do the same... your so brave to travel alone, and a new experience i guess? ehhehe... anyway good luck Ms. STEEMIT Explorer... wish to see your journey more... I will follow your journey...

Come along on the ride haha. And never think you can't travel, the only thing that's stopping you is your mind ;)

Thank you! No. THANK YOU! When I read stories like yours, I feel huge inspiration!
I always wanted to travel all over the world, not to be tied down to one place, but something inside me telling that I should stay in my hometown. And sometimes it's very hard to me to banish this thoughts.
But when I read this post, when I saw that regular traveling without a lot of money is possible - I feel really great!
Thank you one more time! :)

That's the main reason I write about this, to show you don't have to be some kind of multi-millionaire to get this started... You just need to liberate your mind and create your own opportunities: don't wait until exciting things go to you, find them for yourself. On my website there's a contact button, feel free to email me if you just want some advice on how to get it all started or talk about your travel plans.

Good Post ! Welcome budgetbucketlist !

Wow that looks scary haha... thanks for welcoming me

What color are your eyes? They look rare.

I have blue eyes.

welcome, in community steemit !!!

Thanks a lot, enjoying my time already

You are welcome, Do not forget to follow me..
@budgetbucketlist :)

World view through your photography.

It's the most honest form of communication :D You have any page where I can admire your photography?

Come visit sweden and stay at me and my gf place (your own house) You could be our first steembnb guest! (You´d only pay a symbolic 10steem or something) Check it out

Ah that's cool, thanks for the offer! I went to Göteborg and Stockholm once and stayed with travel friends I in fact met in Vietnam. I do heaps of Couchsurfing too, you're familiar with that?

Absolutely fantastic intro! Great touch with the pictures of the ship captain growing up. :) I don't have a country either, btw. I know what you mean.

Where's that swing? Baños?

By the way, I loved that you have a find me on steemit on your blog! Why don't you have Brazil in the categories?


I actually went to Brazil the first time this month: Foz Do Iguassu, the best waterfalls in the world. Blog is in the making! Explain to me please how all people are sooooo beautiful once you cross the border to Brazil. What do you guys eat? Almost broke my neck!

And yup, guess it right: Baños!

Haha! I love the expression. I live in Florianopolis at the moment, South of Brazil and I agree, beautiful people everywhere. So if you'd travel to Brazil another time and need some tips or "hidden secrets" :) Let me know!

I also lived in Rio for a while back in 2012, so I can point you towards the best spots if you ever go there. I'm kinda like you by the way. I don't really have a country, last I remember, I left Spain back in 2008, and I haven't looked back since. I lived in some beautiful countries, all continents.

I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

By the way, looking forward for your next post. Enjoy those Malbecs over there! :)

Woot woot! Your rock, sure we'll meet some time, life has plans to let our paths cross I'm sure

If we do, I'll try to remind you of this :) Happy travels!

Very nice not only the post I mean... nice way to spend money and time!!! Infact in my post I did write exactly the same you did ... the only difference is that I prefer travel with someone!

The good thing is that I hardly spent any money, hence my site name budget bucket list. I learned to travel without spending basically anything and in my blog I explain how, per city and country haha.

This is my opinion and don't get me wrong I don't want criticise anything.
I prefer earn money and use it doing whatever I want.
@budgetbucketlist I see, but I will tell you my point... your face is very nice and for this reason you have more chance to be helped or liked(like in this post) but... if you were ugly believe me... maybe you were receiving the same result but with much more energies. Best regards @webdeals

It's true, it has upsides and I'll be the last to deny that. Nevertheless, you also have a bigger chance to get attention you do NOT want. I'm talking about serious subjects like rape and molestation. As a woman I have also had my fair share of negative travel experiences that had varying consequences... I think it's good to maybe once write a blog about too, so women are familiar with the risks and can take the right preparations to avoid negative experiences.

yes I agree

There are 3 pages