
There's no need to post my nigga but I can tell you we have a lil surprise for haters like you, we'll make the announcement soon I'm sure you'll stay tuned

I'm no nigga!

I know you're just a miserable lil bitch sorry

You should be more polite - you'll get farther in life being polite than you will with your attitude.

Bro this bitch needs help!!! Probably one of them stalking bitches since she found your ig so quick 😂😂😂😭😭😭 mamacita you need a new hobby get off people's post go take care of your kids or better yet yourself😂😭

She had her IG info in here title - she's since removed it and made her IG private.

Nonetheless, you need a life seriously! 🤦🏻‍♀️ A post about breasfeeding turned into you stalking her ig and bringing her child into it! You sound miserable