Awesome. I like the idea of an account for prose. Genius. (A lot more work than I could handle right now). But, it's also neat that it's kind of become a psychological trigger for your creative side. That's amazing.
Fortunately for you, I'm not the TL;DR type (in fact, that is the literal first time I've ever type those four letter all caps in that sequence with a semi-colon in their midriff like a belly button ring...I digress)
I really appreciate the thought and effort you put into it. Exactly the kind of engagement I was hoping for. And honestly...for some strange reason...I wasn't even on the thunder/lightning train of thought. Or even storms for that matter. I was kind stuck on the drippy rain concepts. But, now I've got a whole other train to ride!
Well your style of singing is so cheerful... it felt up beat... I honestly wasn't paying attention to the lyrics the two times I listened to you sing it.
Then I read the lyrics and they were about sadness and loss. I'm not too bad at those types of things. If you wanted me to write you happy rain lyrics I'd be in trouble.
What is strange is I didn't put a lot of effort into that. I haven't really put a lot of effort into most of my responses to people as @chaospoet. It just is like you described some weird trigger. It just starts to flow... a couple of times I've come back a few hours later and literally thought "How in the hell did that happen?"
It's kind of strange and I am not joking at all.
I'll read a post... and then I'll try to reply with some rhyming poem that is relevant to that post.
To be honest I knew I could make up what I call chaos poetry but I actually haven't written any of that here. I didn't know I could write this stuff.
I'm waiting for when the shoe drops... the well runs dry... etc
As to TL;DR I remember a time when saying that would be embarrassing...
People would be ashamed to say that.
Now people say it and RESPOND as though they read it after just telling you they didn't. Yeah I am not a fan of TL;DR.