Hi @finnian, yep honey would break my diet's rules. Hehe. I usually use stevia and erythirol as replacaement for sugar. Hehe.
Potatoes is loaded with starch so it's one of the food to be avoided while in keto. :)
Hi @finnian, yep honey would break my diet's rules. Hehe. I usually use stevia and erythirol as replacaement for sugar. Hehe.
Potatoes is loaded with starch so it's one of the food to be avoided while in keto. :)
Yeah, potatoes do bad things to me too, so I need to avoid them anyway (not just for the weight gain issue). I get all itchy and covered in a rash when I eat them, wheat, eggs, or dairy. It is as if my body is forcing me to only eat fruit, meat, and certain veges.
I ignored my diet yesterday and had some potatoes for lunch from a food truck. Then I paid for it all the rest of the day. Last night I didn't sleep well because of the itching. Bah!