Hi Everybody! I come from Milano, Italy
I'm 39, I work as IT consultant in multinational company.
I'm always looking for something interesting and stimulating in Art, Technology, Science and every kind of culture.
So, let's start this STEEMIT adventure!!
Welcome to Steemit. Stephen
Enjoy steemit :)Welcome on board @cckan
It's a good thing that your r not a bot. :))
Welcome to Steemit @cckan!
Hi man! Nice to see you! ;)
Welcome human! Here's some human music! :P
Welcome to steemit
welcome to steemit!
Ciao and welcome fellow human @cckan! :)
Welcome to Steemit Land!
welcome cckan ! :)
Welcome to the Steemit community! I have an uncle that lives in Milan...the internet makes the world a smaller place....I look forward to reading your posts #nowfollowing
Welcome to Steemit. Now following you.
Welcome to Steemit! I'm sure you will have a great time. @cckan
Welcome to steemit! You will enjoy it!
Ciao! Have fun!
Welcome to Steemit! I hope you'll enjoy your stay :-)
:O thanks you all for the warm welcome! actually this is an amazing tool, and all of you people are very cool, let's steeeeeem together
Nice to have you on board! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek
Welcome to Steemit Cckan! :-)