My real story is not as exciting as all that, however, I fit in a couple of those categories. Let me start with a little background: I grew up moving from state to state, town to town all the way from Florida to Iowa and many states in-between.
It was my parents, me and my 3 brothers. My dad was a navigator in the Air Force in the 50's and 60's, so we were moved when he was reassigned to different bases. We ended up in Iowa after he got out of the Air Force.
He tried a few things until he found out that he was pretty good in the construction business. He ended up starting his own construction company. After about 10 years moving around in Iowa, we headed to Oklahoma for a major construction job.
Oklahoma was about like most other places. Dad worked every day or drank every day or both. Mom tried to cope. We were there for about a year when dad split with some floozy gold-digger looking to upgrade her life. She did. I was 16.
I ended up graduating a couple years later, getting pretty good grades in the process. I went to Oklahoma State U. in 1975. I didn't have a scholarship, so I ended up working at a gas station, doing gas station stuff. I worked 40 hrs a week and went to college full time. That didn't work out so well, as it turned out.
I loved college, don't get me wrong. However, I loved the night life more. I spent most of my first year partying my ass off, and barely making it to class. That didn't work out so well, grade-wise. I dropped out after 1 year.
I ended up doing different things for a few years, wandering aimlessly with no goals, except to have fun after work.
I ended up going in the Air Force in 1979.
It was a good career. Looking back, I would have done things differently. That hindsight thing. I married my wife of 33 years while I was in the military, and I have 1 beautiful daughter.
I ended up in Arkansas after the military. It was my last military assignment and I just never left. My wife and I own about 10 acres and have a dog we inherited from my daughter. She was going to school and living in an apartment, so we ended up keeping him with us.
I am working 7 days a week, by choice. I have an easy job, so why not. I am relatively healthy for 59 years old, so I am getting the money while I can.
Steemit is going to take a lot of my time now. I usually spend about 3 or 4 hours most days on Steemit. I enjoy it. If I make money while I am doing it, so much the better. As you can probably tell, my blogging skills need a little work. I had some problems with pictures. One will have to do for now until I get the hang of it.
I will keep on commenting as I have, looking for posts that fit my interests. And I will keep investing in Steemit. Peace.
Hello very nice to meet you followed.........
You seem to have had a lot of combat experience in your life. Did your siblings or parents also have similar experiences?
I've invested a lot of time spent growing up in martial arts. It's gotten me in a bunch of bad fights that wish I could have avoided. Being also the youngest in a family without an available father. I was pressured to join the military because I wasn't succeeding in other academic areas at the time. Looking back on it now over a decade later I feel like I dodged a real bullet by refusing to go that route.
How did you cope from being away from your family for so much, I'm sure they missed you a lot.
Welcome to the Steemit community @celsius100! I look forward to reading more posts from you on the subjects of MMA.
By the way, thanks for sharing your story with us.
Welcome to the club! Look forward to reading your insights! Followed. Feel free to comment on mine and I will be honest with you as well. Have fun!
Thanks for the welcome!
Thanks for welcoming me. Welcome to you too!
you sound cool as hell... i like that youve been married for 33 years! You dont even look 33! Its weird that someone with your background gets where im coming from and calls me a warrior. Im glad you took the time to say hello
I see you transferred a couple steem to me. I assume that you've received the seeds that I sent you. Reimbursement for shipping was certainly not necessary, but I do appreciate your generosity. The fresh Super-Hot Peppers are a gift, just in case you wanted to enter papa-peppers Super-Hot Pepper Challenge. I figured that a MMA, Air Force Skydiver might be up for the challenge.
The peppers are a cross between the ghost pepper and something else, maybe a Trinidad Moruga.
I sent a steemit.chat msg to you about the seeds. Just wanted to thank you and saw the postage and figured you might appreciate some steem for the postage. Thanks again.
THANK YOU @celsius100. It is appreciated.
Hey Celcius. Welcome to Steemit. Looks like we're both noobs. I love your title. Good sense of humor. Totally pulled me in.
Hey! Fellow Skydiver! Great write up. I am also working on my blogging skills here. It seems like a great place for it.
A lot of the things you have mentioned reminded me of myself. skydiving. I use to hustle in the construction industry. I worked on cell towers.
resteem my posts and upvote them and ill do the same 4 u, just reply done when you did so
I owe you a apology, I did not mean to Spam you or others.
My intentions were only to share. If you please take note within my blog I have never Spammed anyone.
Again, I did not mean you disrespect or grief.
Us Little Rock brats need to stick together ;)
My reputation means a lot to me, please unflag my posts.
I give you my word I will not do this again.
Thanks my brother.
Airborne Rules!
I hate using my downvotes because it takes away what I like to do, which is give upvotes (thus $) to deserving writers, posts and comments. I will watch your posts and comments. Just give honest opinions and don't give unsolicited spam. Also don't forget to give credit to articles that you copy from, as that is considered plagiarism.
I will watch for a little while and if you are serious and do what you said, I will give you upvotes to improve your reputation. In no time at all, you will be on your way.
Thanks mate.
yes, I will give credit that i copy from.
My word is my bond.
Hope we can become friends.
Enjoy the sunshine