How cool is this site I told him and he's joined us here. Can't wait to see what he puts up and I'm sure it's gonna be great. Don't ask we what he's going to call his profile as your guess is as good as mine. Cheers to his success here.
Hello there and welcome to SteemitFULLY TRANSPARENT LOTTERIES with promotional posts where I issue FREE TICKETS for those who help me curate my promotions. All the best! :) ! I hope you enjoy your time here and make lots of $$$. If you're interested in lotteries, please check my profile out @steemitlotteries. I run
I'm sure it'll be fun having your son around. I'm trying to convince my son to join too. He's still THINKING about it. It'll be good for mom's to support each other here.
Your son is welcome to the steemit platform. Looking forward to interesting contents from you guys for the betterment of the steemit community.
Please feel free to check out @GLOBALFOODBOOK
Welcome to Steemit. Wow you are moving fast. Glad to see it. Since you decided to follow me I checked your site and decided to follow you. Many thanks. I need all the followers I can get since i'm new too. Glad you got your son to join also. Resteemed and upvoted you. Take care.
Welcome to Steem @christa I have sent you a tip
Awesome !!!!
thanks and I see you may be from my city Melb.
Yes Ma'am! I was more into instagramming but my husband just pulled me to steemit. Seems an interesting platform so far :)
Yes sure is interesting here.
Yay good for you and him smart mommy :) will follow you to see what u about
Following you as well and he's a clever young man, proud mummy here.
Smart mommy makes for a smart son :) thanks hope you enjoy the content and look forward to reading yours
Let us know how it goes for him too.
Sure will
Woow... gladly to hear your son join steemit.:)
Thanks me too, very glad.
Hello there and welcome to SteemitFULLY TRANSPARENT LOTTERIES with promotional posts where I issue FREE TICKETS for those who help me curate my promotions. All the best! :)
! I hope you enjoy your time here and make lots of $$$. If you're interested in lotteries, please check my profile out @steemitlotteries. I run
I'm sure it'll be fun having your son around. I'm trying to convince my son to join too. He's still THINKING about it. It'll be good for mom's to support each other here.
Upvoted and followed you.
Cool and thank you.
Welcome to Steemit, Now following you.
Thank you and love it here, following you as well.
I'm amazed you've found steemit in you're life, Hop aboard the Steem train with your son!
He's a very clever young man and opened our eyes to crypto currency , very interesting indeed.
Welcome! I hope in your Steemit journey to pass by from time to time and curate some music for our blog! #steemradio-music
Your son is welcome to the steemit platform. Looking forward to interesting contents from you guys for the betterment of the steemit community.
Please feel free to check out
thank you
Welcome to Steemit. Wow you are moving fast. Glad to see it. Since you decided to follow me I checked your site and decided to follow you. Many thanks. I need all the followers I can get since i'm new too. Glad you got your son to join also. Resteemed and upvoted you. Take care.
Thank you and I must find out his profile name. Look forward to seeing your posts.
I have already started posting a few picture posts. Hope to have many more plus videos soon. Still learning.