Hello Steemians!
Actually, to be honest, I never heard from this platform until a great friend of mine introduced it to me... The way he spoke about the platform, the people, the opportunities it gives to show the real you, it had directly my full interest.
(And in case you want to know who I am talking about, it's @Anritco !).
Let me cut to the case,
I am Clay, 27 years and originally coming from the Netherlands. Now, I am already 3 years on a great adventure in Krakow, Poland.
Since my 14th of age, I started producing music. Back in that days, I was mainly focused on the Hip-Hop/R&B scene as this was the most popular back then.
When I moved to Poland, I wasn't sure if I would get my music from the ground, and as I needed to pay bills like every human being, I started working in a corporation with my beautiful Dutch Dragon'ish language.
So, at that stage, I had decided to stop doing music. I know, how should that even be possible, right?! Well, it took me 3 years to understand that I should never quit music!!!
Actually, it was the same friend as mentioned above who made me realize to not ignore my talent.
AND NOW I AM HERE!! On this great platform, willing to share my music with you and also being interested in what others are sharing. I really look forward using this platform, and hopefully, it brings me as much joy and fun as it does to you.
Thanks @anritco for the heads up on formating the posts
I would love to know what you think about my music and compositions. If you have any advice or critique I would love to hear it in the comments below!
Honestly music is my way of living and I believe that music itself makes us better people. This is my way of contributing to the community and the world itself.
Welcome aboard @clayjr how are you? This is a great start for you to share the music you created and continue doing the things that you love. =)
Hi @purepinay, I am fine, thank you for asking, and how are you? You're completely right, music is love and love is there to be shared :) :) :)
Welcome to steemit....looking forward to see more of your posts
Thank you hellenna, more will be coming for sure!!
wellcome to steemit :)
Thank you!
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I have voted.
welcome to steemit! I am also a dutchie :) there is not a big dutch community but there a definitely some to find.
Hi! Thank you, it is great to see the variety of people on this platform.
Hello clayjr.. Welcome to steemit.... Visit my Steemit @irsyadzeal 😁👍
Thank you irsyadzeal!
Thanks :)
Hello, im new on steem too, I am looking forward to hearing your music. I am into music myself but i am very shy for what i have to offer.
Please if you dont mind me asking how did you get you popularity to (40) as a new comer. How can i increase mine.
please check my introductory post @simplemrakpor I want us to be friends
Hi simplemrakpor, thank you, and as you're in music as well, I am looking forward hearing your things too. I don't think you need to be shy... Just do the things you love and whenever you're satisfied with the result, please share it with the community :) I have no clue how this increased, what I do know is that it doesn't matter how long it will take to get you there, as long as you get joy out of what you do!
Cheers and good luck with everything you do!
You are handsome
Very sweet of you to say, thank you
Welcome to Steemit! Good luck )
Thank you very much naditinkoff :)
Welcome to steemit, it looks we are in the neighborhood if you live in Poland. I am from Lithuania. I wish you success in this platform and waiting for more your posts.
Howdy Neighbor! Thank you for the warm welcome, much appreciated. I wish you all the same!
Welcome to this community
I hope you can share the best of your music with us, much success. @borcast
Thank you borcast, will definitely share!!
You have a good friend for introducing you here! This place rocks! Great people and some really interesting blogs to read. If you fancy checking out my blog @dan21050 please feel free to and give me a follow if any of it interests you. All the best on Steemit mate!
Yeah, definitely, I am very pleased being here. All the best to you too!!!
hi @clayjr greeting from indonesia bro..
Hi @rachmatsofyan, greetings back!
Welcome! There is a great music community here. Glad youve joined us.
Hi @beleemusic, Yeah, looking forward sharing our talents! :)
Thanks so much!
You are welcome :)
Welcome to steemit!!
glad to have you here stay stunned...
Welcome to steem! Good luck!
Thank you @williamgabriel much appreaciated :)
Welcome to this great community, I hope to hear from your music soon
Hi @monicaparada, thank you, and you will definitely. Also, I have uploaded a song of mine yesterday, feel free to listen at it :) :)
welcome to steemit, I hope soon see more publications and also listen to your music
Welcome to Steemit! I love that you came around and are following your true passion and calling in life. You will do amazing on here! Can't wait to hear what you come up with! :)
Hi Lauren, thank you so much for the warm welcome :) And yes, we should all follow our true passon!
hola.. welcome to steemit :)
You may visit my profile too
Hey!!! Thank you :) :) :)
Hello @clayir, welcome to this new way of social platform. I als look at DSDS (Deutschland sucht den Superstar). You might know it? Sometimes some dutch candidates go there to show their talent. I'm looking forward to your music.
Hi @lugano, yes I know that program. Actually, I am following a lot of similar programs as well, my favorite is the VOICE, which you might know as well :) Thank you for the warm welcome, you will definitely hear more from me.