#clif high - Web bots do'in the steem-punk dance!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

my given name is clif high. Yes, it really is. As you may imagine, it led to confrontation at an early age....which in turn led to martial arts at an early age. And yoga. My sensei at the time in 1960 insisted on yoga. Always stretching into your old age he would say...don't stretch now, stretch for then, long and hold it so that it persists into your old age.

Remarkably well found advice that i follow to this day. i am 63 this year. And still am stretching into my old age.

i do things with time. Well, rather i do things because i think about time...i don't actually move time, or twist or fold it.

i just think about it. A lot. And deeply. So i wrote some software that took almost 4/four years to get together that helps me think about time by getting at a view of the future, albeit through the glass darkly. i write up these views of the future and sell them at http://halfpasthuman.com. You may have heard them called 'web bot reports', or 'ALTA reports'. They provide a good glimpse of the future conditions that you will be living in...a month from now, a year from then, and a few decades from that. They can be really wicked accurate. i am saying this about my own work, but i am not alone in so saying this. It just is as it is, and the accuracy can be startling.

i do a lot of other things as well. Some thinking like programming in a bunch of languages for different platforms. Plus i cook, pies, and pastries and such, and also build boats and make videos. The videos are called 'wujo' videos which is based on dojo....the 'jo' part of that means 'place', the 'do' part means 'way' or spiritual path. Well i do what is called 'woo-woo' for my work, so the place i practice my woo-woo arts is the 'wujo'. Thus the name. These wujo videos are vehicles i use to put out information from my reports that may be of assistance to the general public. Plus i use the wujo's to try to combat ignorance, wake people up to the bad behavior of all kinds of bad buttheads, and to correct wrong impressions of things that academia continually circulates....such things as time, and space and matter, and energy and death and metempsychosis (your mental states after death)....i write short articles under the title of 'timetalks' on the http://halfpasthuman.com site.

i did not write such a timetalk today as i had to 1. go to the local landfill and drop off a few hundred pounds of trash, 2. bunch of clean up on databases after the last report run, and 3. join up here at SteemIt...and damn it i want a SteemPunk shirt!

Anyway, have to go out and get set up to do some AL welding for the trimaran i am finishing out along with my proa. i am going to be welding up some frames for the double rudders on the proa....tricky bastards have taken 5/five different designs to get a working prototype, and so now to produce it and then hit the water before the Fall winds.

i have a newbie SteemIt mission...a small one for me, perhaps a big one for Jeff Berwick aka The Dollar Vigilante, you see, i want to assist him in his process of dropping tobacco from his life. i did, over 30 years ago, and am a better fellow for it. Jeff will be too, at least so is my opinion. And i think the world needs Jeff to keep talking, and i can already hear the effects of the smoking on his voice. You see, i was also there...and then i developed my own method for the process that works, is painless in the sense of no withdrawal, takes a longish time (like maybe 3 months or so), and is really a mental trick. i am going to write this method up as a post for SteemIt and keep pushing until i get acknowledgement that Jeff has read the thing. Most i can do is to share how i did it. i know it is terribly rude of me to push my idea of his health upon him, but i have jones to get the idea across to him...universe just won't let me put the idea down, so i will risk being rude and get this particular idea-monkey off my back. You see, just being a self-servicing bastard. But i am an adult, unlike most of the 'politically correct' crowd of kinder out-and-about in the world, and so if i offend Jeff, and we meet in person and he tries to hit me for offering such offense, well....i figure i got it coming...at least the attempt.

Thanks for reading. Oh, my picture can be found at my web site and on my videos.


Hi Clif, so how do you do an "upvote" on this site?

below this text you see the $0.00 there is an ^ up arrow button to the left of it.

Twitter bud, Jennsky. Howdy. Is that to my right or your right? ;-P

You got me! Asleep at the wheel

Welcome clif!! This should make for a pretty wild shockwaveride ô¿ô ggray

Welcome to Steemit. I'm a little skeptical about the whole wujo art, but I kind of enjoy watching your videos. :) Thanks for sharing.

Yo clif, good to see this. :)

Welcome Clif.
It's good to see you here and thanks for showing me the way here.
I look forward to seeing how this all plays out.
I have been following your work since around 2004 give or take a year or so.
Im @StanNorred on twitter...
Still trying to grok the whole block chain, crypto currency thing. I'm hoping this will help...
So far I'm as lost as an acorn in a filbert sack.
Looking forward to the adventure...

Hey Clif,
Good to see you on Steemit!

Hi Clif and anyone else reading this. I have people close to me who have had success with Alan Carr 's books for both alcohol and tobacco.

Alan Carr's book is just the beginning. One thing no one ever talks about is that people getting rid of addictions have to look deep and deal with all the reasons they started in the first place. All the reasons. That is naturally very difficult, if it wasn't there would be no addiction in the first place. If any of you find yourself in this situation Allen L. Roland's book will help you.(for those keeping count, that 2 different guys with similar first names and 2 books total).

Apologies for the poor grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. I've never been a natural communicator on paper or off.

Timemonk on Steemit! YES!
Great to have you here.

Thanks for tipping me to steemit! Love HPH.

The universe is full of good timing. I'm going through quite a shift in pretty much all areas of my life. I'd seen Steemit mentioned, but just let it float past. After your mention it has just synced in beautifully with all the changes coming on.

Nice glad to see you here Clif, cant wait to read some of your future Ack's

OK, if moon was on board, I know I am better served by following along. Wow what a find!

Hi Clif,
Long time follower and now I followed you here.
You should be getting a commission for bringing your own posse.

Hiyas, Clif, the Shou Lao of forecasting. Between you and @dollarvigilante yas got me here. Forecasting a bright future for Steemit users.

Hello @clif
I appreciate your ALTA reports they are worth every penny.

You can buy them here: http://halfpasthuman.com

Please post your Video's here on Steemit, I do not use YouTube any longer.

Has anyone else here said Goodbye to YouTube? Let me know
Your upload is appreciated,

What are your views about Steemit now that you have been here for a while?
Long term forecast?
You are one of the pioneers.

I love you man!!!!!!!! This gave me a big smile and a hearty laugh. Thanks for being a cool dude. I'm a tai chi guy btw. Rock on!!!!!