When you don't have a lot of steem power, to post you need just to wait sometimes. The recource creadits will grow automatically. Now only gather money for 3speak and that's it. I think you are good to go now with 25 steem power. If you want to check your recources creadits, use this website : http://steemd.com/@wayo if it's more than 10% I think you can post, now I see it over 40%. Or this one as well is good for that : https://steemnow.com/@wayo , you have even 33 steem power, because someone delegated to you 9, that's why you see +9 in your wallet.
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Now this was very helpful, there are are lot of things about STEEM, I still don't know. May be I will read the Article "How to" for new STEEMians.
Yeah, in your wallet, you can use your posting key to use some dapps. We have @actifit that count steps, @dsound for audio and a lot of other applications that you can use to earn some steem. Learn about them here : https://steemapps.com/
You can also set up the steem keychain after installing it here : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/steem-keychain/lkcjlnjfpbikmcmbachjpdbijejflpcm?hl=en
And learn about the tribes that we have and the tokens, you can also convert those into steem.
All the tokens and the platforms that you can entre with keychain are here in this website : https://steem-engine.com/
I saw those 2.0 Steem coming through from you. It will be made sure you do receive it back as well. But as of now, thank you for your help.
You're welcome. Keep learning and improving, I wish you good luck here. ☺