CrazyCow joins Steemit!

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)

So I have to write an introduction about myself, hope you like it!

As crazy as what I am and as much as what I would like to look like this, this is not me!

I am usually behind the camera, not infront of it! I am scared the lense breaks.

I am not an ordinary person but I would like to think I am somewhat normal.

My furry children

I am not a professional phototgrapher but I love taking photos of anything and everything, here are photos I took of my animals: (I fit right in with them and they are all as crazy as what I am)

This little boy was born with one blue eye and one brown eye and as you can see, his right leg was not fully developed either but he crept into my heart the minute I laid eyes on him.

And these are some random photos I took:


Kids you ask? Yes I have two of those, I have a son that never asks for anything even though I would love to give him everything and a daughter who wants everything but I can't afford to give her much. I love them to bits and they drive me to achieve my full potential but I think it scares them a bit sometimes lol. Everything I do, I do for them! That is why I am here writing this introduction, I am hoping Steemit will be everything everyone says it is.


My hobbies consist of a long list which would not fit in the space they give me to write my story but here are some of the things I enjoy:
Fishing - Females should stay away from fishing and leave it to the men but it is so much fun when you cast for the first time and you get the hook stuck in someones ear! (I had to give this up unfortunately, public liability was becomming risky)

Crypto Currencies (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum etc) - I am safer behind the computer (or should I say others are) and enjoy collecting free / mining crypto currency, this way I can't hurt anyone.

Photography - I enjoy clicking away at random things and my photos don't always make sense but I have perculiour taste, some would say I am just crazy but I suppose they are correct in a way.


I am happily married, YES I found someone extrodinary that can cope with me! Can you believe it? He is one in a million and I thank my lucky stars everyday for him. He treats me like a princess and I wish there were more like him in the world, then there would be lots more happy and satisfied wives.
He was a rare find, sorry ladies he is TAKEN.....

Any adive you could give me regarding Steemit would be greatly appreciated in the comments below.

I really hope you enjoyed my introduction and I look forward to reading all the stories on streemit.

#introduceyourself #photography #bitcoin #life