Welcome pioneers great platform. creadordelfuturo is two people. I am Maria '42 and my husband Roman 34 years. We are free scientists, artists, kinesiology, chiropractors, travelers, vegetarians, jugglers, investors. Well, to be honest, the only Roman artist, I'm still learning. He juggles too much better. What a stroke of luck, I've got a chance to be better :)! the scope of our scientific research in recent years - and psychophysiology gerantologiya. I will try to carry on steemit blog for those who are interested in my development. We live in Spain near the sea and dream (this means planning) to turn everything around in the woods. In general, we always upvote for the good. We are against any crap. We have a plan to promote STEEMIT. We will soon inform you about its implementation. Sorry for my English. I speak a little English, but understand.But I use the Google translator - God thank you for it!

Here it now our view from the balcony, the same color with Steemit.

if you post in spanish dont forget to put add the tag spanish :)

That is very nice perspective drawings. Welcome to Steemit.

I hope you like My B&W,
I photographed in black and white. I apologize if I'm a obtrusive