This is @whatamidoing. I found your post thanks to @starstrings01 reblog. We work together on this project for bringing people from different cultures together. I'm from USA living in Japan and thanks to Hive I've made new friends in countries I've never known anything about before, like Nigeria and Venezuela. Don't know much about southern Europe either ;-P
I think you'd really fit in in our community :
As for psychopaths....sorry you ran into so many. I hope I can give tips about how to avoid them, but I need to think about it first :-D
@whatamidoing I will be glad to describe how is life in the place that I am living and to satisfy your curiosities, I also have my curiosities regarding places that I have not visited before and I will gladly join the community.
Regarding life advice, I am happy that you are willing to take into consideration to give me your perspective 😇